Once you have selected an HTML based template in the template editor, access the "Variables" group in the "Edit template..." panel to manage variables which can be used by this template. When a variable is defined for a template, it can easily be customized from the build window for each build using that template, and scripts from this template can easily access its customized value to act upon it.

Create a new variable

By using the "New Variable" button, the "manage a template variable" window is shown with the following fields:

Edit a variable

Once a variable is selected in the list, the Edit Variable button will display the same window as when creating a new variable is shown (see "Create a new variable" above). Only the "Id" field is grayed out as it can't be modified for an existing variable.

Delete a variable

Once a variable is selected in the list, the Delete Variable button will delete that variable. Deleted variables won't be displayed in build settings anymore and can't be used by script files.

Other HTML based template settings: