Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 22, 2024 – Descargar

  • Dark mode support throughout the application: HelpNDoc's user interface has been fully optimized to optionally support dark mode
  • Added ability to define font fallback in the PDF Engine: helps prevent missing characters, which would otherwise appear as empty rectangles, in languages like Chinese, Japanese, Korean...
  • Mathematical equation editor now includes a context menu button for easier access to various customization options
  • The default HTML template reset too many CSS elements when printing, including text and background colors
  • Added missing API methods: HndLibraryItems.GetItemSourceContent; HndLibraryItems.GetItemSourceContentCheckSum; HndLibraryItems.SetItemSourceContent
  • The default alignment of a picture wasn't applied to all instances until the input field was unfocused
  • Mathematical equation editor has been optimized for improved formula input, display consistency, LaTeX support, with better performance and reduced memory consumption
  • Improved the mathematical equation editor's virtual keyboard's responsiveness and reliability
  • Fixed problem with uppercase Greek letter input in mathematical equation editor
  • API method HndEditor.GetContentAsHtml didn't return hyperlinks as A HREF tags
  • Some build settings panels such as Word/PDF cryptography and signing options could appear bigger or smaller on some screens with different DPI settings
  • Slightly improved generation time of all HTML based documentation generation by optimizing character conversion routines
  • Improved script and template compilation speed
  • The ePub generator now includes improved support for importing ePub files with tables of contents that include anchors
  • The current topic editor's position was lost when updating the properties of all instances of a library item
  • Optimized creation and initial showing time of HelpNDoc's main window

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 10, 2024 – Descargar

  • New search option: find content across the entire project based on font properties, paragraph properties, or style name
  • C# code generation: produce constants, dictionaries, enums, properties and structs of the topic's Help IDs and Help context numbers for C# projects
  • JavaScript code generation: produce class, constants, maps and UMD of the topic's Help IDs and Help context numbers for JavaScript projects
  • Python code generation: produce class, dictionaries, enums and namedtuple of the topic's Help IDs and Help context numbers for Python projects
  • PHP code generation: produce arrays, classes, defines and enums of the topic's Help IDs and Help context numbers for PHP projects
  • Added popup menus to various sections of the template editor
  • Hitting the "Cancel" button soon after the generation had started could lead to a corrupted project with deleted library items
  • WinHelp importer could import some specific WinHelp files as empty content
  • Greatly improved WinHelp HLP importer: faster, consumes less memory, improved handling of help files with large number of pictures
  • System variables were not listed in the "Insert" / "Insert variable" popup menu anymore
  • Improved drawing of MetaFiles in all rich editors such as topic editor, cover editor, snippet editor...
  • Default HTML template includes an updated jQuery, bringing enhancements in security, performance, and compatibility with modern JavaScript standards
  • Creating a new empty project didn't use the project title and language specified in the new project dialog
  • Better detection and import of HTML files
  • Under some rare conditions, it was possible to be stuck in an infinite loop when searching throughout the project
  • Improved syntax highlighting for SQL language
  • Improved displaying of special characters in script editor
  • Improved drawing of internal broken images in topic editor for better clarity
  • Updated RTF importer to better import lists
  • The Undo buffer was not always cleared when loading a script in the script editor
  • Windows' "Add or remove programs" control panel now correctly displays HelpNDoc's icon
  • The license management system could complain about disabled network adapters under some rare conditions

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 11, 2024 – Descargar

  • New custom project starter kit editor: easy-to-use editor to create custom project starter kits which are then available in the new project dialog
  • New Markdown template: generate GitHub wiki pages with optional sidebar and footer
  • It is now possible to paste a picture from the clipboard in the library item's picture editor
  • The PDF generator could produce incorrectly clipped content, usually in tables, which could cause content to be partially hidden
  • Improved Microsoft Word DocX importer: some documents with hidden content could cause an exception when they were being loaded
  • An error could be shown when trying to import and split some Word DocX documents
  • An exception could be shown during the generation process when the project option field was being edited just before
  • Topics which could have been corrupted are now automatically fixed when they are loaded
  • Regression with some symbol characters could be incorrectly exported to HTML
  • Fixed default HTML template's inline table of contents which could be empty when using the web browser's back and forward buttons
  • It was possible to incorrectly create transparent text from the snippets editor
  • Faster and more reliable creation of a new project from a custom or system starter kit
  • Now displays a more useful error message when the system's temporary directory is not accessible or writable during application startup

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 30, 2024 – Descargar

  • New AI Assistant: Use OpenAI's API to gain an intuitive, context-aware assistant for content creation, revision, clarification, explanation, summarization, translation...
  • It is now possible to test the image editor in every editions of HelpNDoc: modified content won't be saved for editions which do not include the image editor
  • The PDF generation process could sometimes fail with an exception when generating documents with images
  • It was possible to create a topic with a corrupted status when using automated topic creation settings with a deleted status
  • Topics with corrupted status were never exported: they are now treated as "Complete" status
  • Table padding wasn't always correctly exported to HTML based documentation formats
  • Some project options fields were not saved if they were edited before the first time the project was saved
  • Some pictures in imported CHM and HTML files could be incorrectly imported as broken pictures even if they were valid
  • The DocX importer can now import REF fields
  • The CHM generator created invisible horizontal lines
  • Text which was visible in the topic editor could be exported as invisible in some documentation formats
  • Some tables borders could be exported as invisible in some documentation formats
  • The color popup from the "Write" ribbon tab could produce invalid colors for black and white texts leading to invisible elements in some generated documentation formats
  • Some characters and bullets could be incorrectly exported when activating the Windows region setting named "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support"
  • Default bullets are now optimized for better compatibility with various region settings
  • Various optimizations and fixes in the script and template engine
  • Improved speed and reliability of the HND project file format's reading and writing operations
  • Improved Python syntax highlighter
  • Improvements and bug fixes in HTML and CSS importers
  • The "HndBuildsLibraryOverrides" API instance wasn't accessible from scripts and templates

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 19, 2024 – Descargar

  • New Dynamic Content library item: HTML code and scripts inserted within topics are interpreted at generation time to produce dynamic content
  • Added ability to duplicate pre- and post-build actions from one build to another one
  • It is now possible to delete recent projects or recent places from the lists in the welcome page or file menu by right-clicking an item
  • Table background colors could sometimes be incorrectly exported to HTML-based documentation formats
  • It wasn't possible to paste or drop formatted HTML content within the topic editor, snippet editor or any other rich-text editors anymore
  • When opening an existing project, it could incorrectly be marked as modified when it wasn't
  • Navigating to the project options panel could set the project as modified when it wasn't
  • The insert library item popup menus have been redesigned to allow faster navigation and insertion from libraries with a large number of items
  • Duplicating a build didn't duplicate its pre-build and post-build actions
  • Duplicating a build didn't duplicate its list of overridden library items
  • The quick access toolbar's position above or below the ribbon wasn't correctly restored between sessions
  • Editing some image maps could lead to an empty image being displayed in some rare cases
  • Some rare very old projects which have been migrated to version 9 could be partially generated when they contained snippets
  • In the library item editor, the equation preview could be incorrectly placed at the bottom of the window when it should fit within the available space
  • Application could incorrectly notify the Windows system that projects in the "Recent projects" list were recently opened when they were not
  • HelpNDoc application's startup is now faster
  • Simplified dictionaries related API by removing unneeded methods

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 6, 2024 – Descargar

  • New build actions: upload generated files to FTP(S) and SFTP servers
  • Ability to override any library item types (pictures, documents, equations, variables, snippets...) in any build independently
  • Documentation generation process can now be canceled at any stage
  • Improved HTML importer which is now faster, more reliable and includes additional support for modern HTML and CSS features
  • The HTML library item's editor can now load and save its content from disk and includes a toolbar and popup menu
  • Project styles can now be imported from a DocX document or HTML web page in addition to HelpNDoc's own formats, and RTF files
  • Rewritten the script editor's log console: new hierarchical tree structure, includes icons, supports multiple lines, clearer and faster
  • Double-click an info, warning or error line in the script editor's log console to navigate to the problematic source code location
  • Use the CTRL-C keyboard shortcut to copy the selected line in the script editor's log console to the clipboard
  • Overridden build styles can now be copied from one build to another
  • The focused nodes of the table of contents, keywords and library trees are now saved within the HND project file and restored next time it is opened
  • New API methods to copy all build styles from one build to another, and to delete all build styles for a specific build
  • PDF generator produces smaller PDF files when font embedding is set to none or subset
  • PDF generator now better handles font embedding, including particularly for symbol fonts
  • Improved HTML/CSS generation: better code generation with additional modern style support
  • Improved Markdown import / export, which now supports loading and saving starting values of numbered lists
  • Some topics created with an older version of HelpNDoc could be blank when opened with latest versions
  • Importing CHM help files when a project is opened or recently closed could lead to the generation of sub-optimal or duplicate Help Ids and Help Context numbers
  • Strengthened documentation generation process to avoid crashes and correctly clean up in case of a problem
  • Cleaner HTML code generation for ePub and Kindle eBooks leading to less validation errors and warnings
  • Legacy framed HTML template did generate invalid breadcrumbs topic titles
  • Copying bullet lists from the topic editor to a text application now correctly pastes bullets
  • It wasn't always possible to clear the style format of select content within table cells
  • Improved drawing accuracy of various items when exported to PDF documents
  • Bullets with font symbols were not correctly exported to HTML based documentation formats
  • Better import of bookmarks in CHM and HTML imported files
  • Generation log could sometimes display bogus numbers for warnings and errors
  • Word and PDF generators could produce images which are larger than the page's width when images were included in library items such as documents or snippets
  • Improved and strengthened dictionaries import methods and fixed Luxembourgish dictionary import
  • Improved import of email hyperlinks from HTML documents
  • Automatic unique keywords and library items caption generation is now more reliable and generates better captions
  • New project templates were not always correctly loaded and displayed, resulting in an empty list
  • Faster and more reliable checksum calculation for topics, library items, and library items' sources
  • Improvements and refinements in user interface's skin engine
  • Fixed rare stack overflow exceptions related to the ribbon bars and buttons
  • Removed variable override command line option: use command line scripts to use the new library override feature instead

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 5, 2023 – Descargar

  • New project starter kits to help bootstrap a new documentation project's hierarchical structure based on best practices. Includes the following starter kits: API documentation, Cooking recipes, Mobile app, Software documentation
  • It is now possible to filter topics in the table of contents by status (e.g. complete, in progress...) and visibility (e.g. visible, hidden, hidden from table of contents)
  • Table of contents panel now has an optional toolbar to conveniently access some common table of contents related actions
  • Redesigned new project dialog for faster and easier creating of the initial table of contents thanks to a toolbar showing available actions
  • New YAML automatic syntax highlighter
  • Script editor now optionally indents / decreases indents for all selected lines when the TAB or SHIFT-TAB keyboard shortcuts are pressed
  • Script editor now optionally highlights matching brackets
  • Panels such as as the table of contents, library and keywords now update their caption to mention if they are currently filtered
  • Library item analyzer's "Select similar items" action didn't always select all similar items
  • Improved grid sorting application-wide: all grid columns now use case insensitive sorting
  • Script editor didn't respect any updated options until the application was restarted
  • Optimized speed for loading and operating main form and table of contents panel
  • Speed up the opening of the topics status popup menu
  • The "Delete" button was flickering in the status management window under certain conditions

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 11, 2023

  • The image editor now includes a stamps panel with dozens of pre-made shapes and numbering options
  • Select any number of layers in the image editor to convert them to a reusable stamp
  • Snippet editor now uses a modern ribbon user interface for improved consistency and usability
  • Snippet editor now displays the most recently used fonts first and includes shortcuts to control the paragraphs' line spacing, background color and text flow
  • It is now possible to add, edit and delete anchors in the snippets editor
  • The library can now be filtered to display only some library item types
  • Script editor window now displays the currently edited file name in its caption
  • Library panel now has an optional toolbar to conveniently access some common library actions
  • The default HTML template now optionally supports Google Tag Manager
  • A preview of the currently hovered library item is now displayed in the project analyzer
  • Image maps can now also be edited using the built-in image editor
  • Trying to edit a broken library item (e.g. item is not included in the library anymore) displayed an exception error message
  • When editing a single hyperlink from the project analyzer, the edit window now uses its current settings by default
  • System variable library items silently failed to edit: an error message is now displayed to indicate that this is not possible
  • It was possible to open multiple instances of the script editor, leading to confusion and potential bugs
  • In the image editor, it was possible to close panels without a way to re-open them
  • The library now displays sorted folders first to be consistent with the Windows Explorer
  • HelpNDoc's scripting API help file was displayed behind the script editor window
  • Optimized loading of application's main window
  • Fixed typos in HTML-based template settings

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 25, 2023

  • Importing folders and sub-folders can now optionally recreate the folder hierarchy in the project's table of contents
  • Revised the folder import user interface to make it clearer and easier to use
  • Improved LaTeX expression support in the mathematical equation editor
  • HTML based Templates can now specify the topic files extension to customize how topic files are generated
  • It is now possible to override hook scripts, link formats to topics and anchors, as well as topic file extensions for all HTML based templates from the template settings tab without the need to create a new custom template
  • Use the CTRL keyboard shortcut and the mouse wheel to control the zoom level of the topic editor
  • Template hook scripts do not need to start with "<%" and end with "%>" anymore
  • Greatly improved mathematical equation's virtual keyboard: improved layout, support for alternative keys display using the SHIFT shortcut, faster overall performances
  • Multiple bug fixes in mathematical equation editor: fixed and improved expression drawing, better handling of arrow navigation keys...
  • Better conversion of topic content to library items as some items were not converted, and the number of converted/deleted items wasn't disclosed
  • The anchor editor dialog wasn't always able to locate and delete anchors
  • Faster and more reliable file and folder import process
  • The CTRL+0 keyboard shortcut didn't reset the topic editor's zoom level
  • ePub generator didn't correctly handle empty topics
  • Fixed memory leaks in snippet editor
  • Improved scripting API definitions and documentation
  • Anchor editor now gives focus to anchor name input field when shown

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 18, 2023

  • New built-in image editor which can be used to produce multi-layered images from within HelpNDoc while maintaining the ability to edit layers at any time (Beta)
  • New script to update topic's description throughout the project by replacing an old textual content with a new one
  • Fixed security vulnerability issue with the default HTML template
  • Library item's project analyzer incorrectly reported equations as broken throughout the project
  • Hooks were not working anymore in HTML based templates
  • When using the default HTML template, hyperlinks to Internet addresses were always opened in a new tab / window
  • Application could crash at startup when the custom template folder included sub-folders with unknown template kinds
  • Using the anchor editor, it was not always possible to navigate to an anchor, or delete it when it was placed within a table
  • Fixed HndUI.GetCurrentLibraryItemId which wasn't available from scripts
  • Script property TStringList.Objects didn't work as expected
  • Clarified confusing license related messages to make them more helpful
  • Faster operations when software and scripts are dealing with the equation library item
  • Bug fixes and reliability improvements in script engine
  • Improved memory usage of TStringList script API
  • Improved speed and reliability of generation documentation process
  • Performance and reliability improvements in the HND project file format handler
  • Improved documentation for the built-in script and template engine

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 28, 2023

  • New equation library item: define mathematical expressions and reuse them throughout the project
  • New project analyzer: list individual characters throughout the project with their number of occurrences to quickly spot invalid characters
  • Project analyzer now reports the number of characters including spaces, and excluding spaces
  • Build actions panel now saves and restores the position of the size of the action properties group and the width of its columns
  • Project analyzer's character counter is now more reliable: multi-byte characters are now correctly counted as one character when appropriate
  • Improved keyword generation for CHM, HTML and Qt help documentation formats: keywords are now correctly associated to topics hidden from the table of contents and their children
  • It wasn't possible to resize the "Action Properties" group in the "Build actions" panel: splitter bar didn't work
  • Possible error exceptions when using keyboard shortcuts on the ribbon bar
  • Improved scripting engine with performance improvements, improved parser and better array support, including ForEach method for arrays
  • Grids lines, headers and borders are now more subtle for a more modern and discreet UI
  • Some icons were not scalable and are now replace by SVG icons so that they can scale seamlessly to any screen size and resolution
  • The browse file button in the build action properties now correctly defaults to the field's directory
  • Fixed some German translation errors
  • HelpNDoc is not tested on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 anymore: Microsoft dropped support for Windows 8 / 8.1 and strongly recommend to update to a newer version of Windows

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 17, 2023

  • New HTTP request build action: perform GET and POST requests to any URL before or after a specific documentation build
  • Project analyzer can now merge multiple selected keywords into one keyword: all previously associated topics will be associated with the new keyword
  • Every build action property now has a description to explain its use
  • File and path related build action properties now have a button to open the standard file and folder selection dialogs
  • Redesigned the anchor insertion / edition window to make it easier to operate and more reliable: it provides live validation and rethought clearer modern UI
  • Qt generator now warns if an extension other than *.qhc is used for the output file name as it could cause generation errors with the Qt help generator
  • Default topic's build override is now easier and faster to select as it displays the full topic hierarchy and an enhanced selection dialog
  • Improved Word importer which could create broken hyperlinks and can now handle mixed-case bookmarks
  • Build action properties' names and description are now clearer and localized to all languages supported by HelpNDoc
  • Live spell checker is not activated on build action properties where that doesn't make sense (e.g. script content, path selection...)
  • It wasn't possible to toggle the activation status of build actions for languages other than English
  • Adding a duplicate anchor in a topic now asks for confirmation before deleting the previous one
  • Anchor manager's window could be incorrectly displayed with empty on some display resolutions and settings
  • Improved accessibility of default HTML template by adding multiple missing ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes
  • When the default topic was deleted, it could be difficult to select another one from the project options panel
  • Greatly improved documentation generation dialog opening time for medium and large projects
  • Some parts of the user interface incorrectly referred to bookmarks instead of anchors

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: dic. 13, 2022

  • Table borders and background colors could be incorrectly exported to HTML based documentation formats

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: dic. 8, 2022

  • Mass update and delete hyperlinks from project analyzer: select hyperlinks in list and assign new target or clear them altogether
  • Find and replace dialog can now search for hyperlinks based on various conditions such as kind of hyperlink, target, extra parameters...
  • New filter for keywords: show only keywords which are associated with the current topic
  • Project analyzer now reports hyperlinks' and anchors' location in snippets and can open the snippet editor to their correct position
  • Keywords panel now has an optional toolbar for quick access to basic and advanced keywords actions
  • Greatly reduced CHM and HTML based generation time for medium and larger projects which could increase exponentially
  • Word/PDF custom templates could produce broken documents with inconsistent cover pages and styles, content highlighted in red...
  • PDF footers could be displayed at the wrong position
  • Improved RTF loading: possible access violation when importing pictures, better headings import, improved headers and footers import
  • Improved DocX loading for tables which were linked to a table style
  • The find and replace dialog could miss some results if they were the first one in the topic
  • Hyperlink dialog could display fields in wrong order and incorrectly draw panels backgrounds
  • Adding or renaming a keyword could cause the following exception error message: "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window"
  • API method HndUI.EditSnippetContent wasn't accessible from the script engine
  • Removed option to use external importer for the DocX format: it was slower, less reliable and 32-bit only
  • Readme text file contained some outdated links to external tools and compilers

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 25, 2022

  • It is now possible to define pre-build actions, which are similar to post-build actions but run before the generation process
  • New build action: Run an external program and check its return code
  • Completely redesigned the auto-completion dialog, with the ability to switch completion modes, clearer user interface with icons, additional keyboard shortcuts
  • Entering a sharp character (#) in the topic editor, followed by the CTRL-SPACE keyboard shortcut, will list all anchors in the current topic for fast hyperlink creation
  • Redesigned the default topic selection in the project option panel: now using a full tree for faster and more accurate selection of the default topic
  • New API method HndTopicsEx.GetTopicCaptionHierarchy to get the hierarchy of caption for a specific topic
  • Default HTML template improvement: search field is focused and selected when the search tab is clicked
  • Added menu items to access the last generated for each documentation format: paths are stored within the HND project file for quick usage without re-generation next time the project is opened
  • Script editor now includes a "Save as" button to save the currently edited script as a new file
  • Split Word DocX document is now correctly and fully imported when there is nothing to split
  • Split Word DocX document now correctly imports the first content, appearing before the first split item
  • When a Word document containing empty titles was split, its imported content could be placed in the wrong topics or discarded altogether
  • Improved default HTML template's Search Engine Optimization (SEO): URL topics now display a link to their URL when they appear in the breadcrumb
  • The template editor allowed templates to be renamed using default template names, causing confusion and problems with template selection
  • Selecting a default topic with a duplicate caption could use the wrong topic as the default one
  • Some project options fields' modifications were discarded when the project was saved if the control didn't lose focus first
  • Optimized project options window which is now much faster to display, particularly on large projects
  • The HndTopics.CreateMultipleTopics API created topics at the same level as the parent topic instead of as its children
  • Slightly improved program startup time

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 16, 2022

  • HelpNDoc could display an error about missing DLLs in some languages
  • Floating license key checks could return an invalid key error when it was in fact valid

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 13, 2022

  • New post-build actions: run specific actions after the build process. First actions included: Show message and Run script
  • It is now possible to select a snippet as the default content of a newly created topic in the project's automated settings
  • New option to display smaller library items. When activated, non resizable items such as documents, snippets and HTML code are drawn smaller in the topic editor
  • Use the CTRL keyboard shortcut while applying style to reset any overrides applied to the selected content
  • Last edited template is now stored for each projects so that it is the default one selected next time the template editor is opened
  • Topic editor's right click popup menu now includes "Paste as text" and "Paste special" sub-menu for quicker access to those actions
  • Topic modification date and time is now correctly updated when the topic content changes
  • Greatly improved code editor which is now faster to draw content and scroll, and includes multiple bug fixes and enhancements
  • An exception could be raised when decrypting content with an invalid password
  • Exporting a library item to an existing file now displays a confirmation message to avoid data loss
  • Improved script execution engine for faster and more reliable execution, and additional pascal-based language support
  • Unneeded files removed from the installer to make it slightly smaller
  • Improved some syntax highlighters to improve the supported language elements
  • Script editor popup now display user scripts before system scripts as they are more likely to be used more often
  • Improved HND project file handling: faster comparison for binary data, performance improvements, bug and security fixes
  • User interface refinements, fixes and improvements for Windows 11 and high DPI screens
  • Debug engine has been improved and strengthened for easier and faster bug spotting and resolution

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 19, 2022

  • New Ultimate Edition of HelpNDoc: includes all features available
  • HelpNDoc is now a 64-bit software: It has access to more system memory, is more resilient and faster to operate
  • Added the ability to override any style for each specific build
  • Generated Word documents can be encrypted with a custom password and strong encryption algorithms
  • Generated Word and PDF documents can be signed using an invisible digital signature to insure their integrity
  • New strong encryption algorithms for PDF documents: RC4 40 bits, RC4 128 bits, AES 128 bits, AES 256 bits and AES 256 bits with hardened key generation
  • Added support for SVG images in both the editor, and supported documentation formats
  • Secrets such as passwords are now securely stored in HND project files using a strong encryption algorithm
  • New API methods to store any number of secrets securely in HND project files
  • When pasting content with library items into a snippet, problematic content will be converted and removed and the user warned about it
  • New TStringList.WriteBOM property to control if BOM is written when saved to file
  • Documentation generation dialog can now be maximized
  • Faster, more reliable, more memory efficient and more secure HND project file handling library
  • Script editor dialog now has keyboard shortcuts for its main actions
  • Improved application startup time
  • Improved overall application responsiveness
  • Project analyzer incorrectly reported some library items as being used by a ghost topic after they have been pasted into snippets
  • Windows positioning is more reliable and precise across sessions and different screen resolutions
  • Recent versions of Qt assistant didn't always show the vertical scroll bar when showing topics content which didn't fit the visible area
  • Some versions of Qt assistant displayed a black header for each topic instead of the defined base color
  • Images are now responsive in the Qt help documentation format: they will resize to fit the visible screen area
  • Improved table borders drawing in PDF documents
  • Dropping a topic over the root project topic could cause an error message
  • Default HTML template now correctly uses the template's defined default extension, making it easier to generate extensions such as HTM, PHP...
  • Default HTML template will now use the correct file extension for the specified logo file instead of forcing the PNG file extension
  • HTML search engine now correctly uses the template's defined default extension to avoid generating broken links
  • Better HTML export of paragraphs with borders and hanging first
  • Various improvements in RTF importer for East Asian texts
  • Faster and more reliable script and template execution
  • Importing some WinHelp HLP file could produce corrupted topics: editing those topics resulted in an error message
  • Find and replace operations for the whole project have been optimized and are now faster
  • Table of contents string was hard-coded in the default Markdown template: it can now be translated
  • Using HndGeneratorInfo.TemplateInfo in templates caused an error
  • Improved panels docking behavior on screens with different DPI settings
  • Transform text popup menu could stay visible even when another control was focused
  • HelpNDoc is not tested on Windows 7 anymore: Microsoft dropped extended support for Windows 7 on January, 2020

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 8, 2022

  • After deleting library items from the project analyzer, the number of successfully and unsuccessfully deleted items are shown
  • After deleting library items from the project analyzer, user is asked if the analyzer should be refreshed
  • Updating pictures' default properties when they are placed within tables could fail
  • Pasting content in the topic editor could move the edit cursor at the beginning of the topic editor and back
  • Refreshing the project analyzer after deleting library items could report incorrect data in the library items' analyzer
  • Deleting multiple versions of the same library items from the project analyzer incorrectly displayed an error message
  • Possible exception under some rare circumstances when deleting a bullet or a numbered item in a table cell
  • Improved speed when pasting large content with pictures in topic editor

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 19, 2022

  • Added the ability to apply the default picture properties of a library item to all instances throughout the project
  • New font selector with list of recently used fonts, font preview and font searching support
  • Recently used fonts are saved within the HND project file and restored next time it is opened
  • Hyperlinks to document's headings are now correctly imported when importing Microsoft Word DocX or RTF document
  • Inserting a YouTube URL without the embed parameter in the library items editor warns and optionally converts the URL to the correct format
  • New option to automatically close the script editor when script is successfully run
  • Image, image maps and movies default properties can be reset from the library items editor
  • New API to get a list of library items used in a specific editor
  • New script to list all library items used in the currently selected topic
  • Added right-click popup menu to script editor
  • Added new popup menu to reset picture properties and size based on original picture, overriding library item's defaults
  • Topic editor content converted to snippet could create corrupted snippets which were not always correctly replaced at generation time
  • Resetting the currently selected picture's properties or size now uses the library item's default values
  • Resetting the currently selected picture's properties could leave the old values in the ribbon bar editors
  • Dragging a library item over the topic editor could cause an exception
  • Dropping a library item within a table cell could fail without warning
  • When changing the font style of some library items such as variables and counters in the topic editor, the rest of the paragraph could be incorrectly drawn with that style
  • Updating styles is now more easily accessible: added button in ribbon bar, and entry in command finder
  • Removed warning from the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop compiler when a topic's kind was set to empty
  • Optimized drag and drop operations from the library items panel
  • Improved paragraph border importing for DocX documents
  • Improved Microsoft UI Automation (UIA) support for enhanced screen reader / narrator experience

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: dic. 7, 2021

  • Documents, HTML, variables and snippets library items can now be inserted within the current topic as raw content (e.g. not linked to the item) which can be used to create topic templates...
  • Selected content in topic editor can be converted to snippet using the right click popup menu
  • New editor APIs to insert HTML content, move the cursor, check if editor is empty
  • New user interface APIs to iterate over selected items in trees (keywords, library items, topics), and cancel current edits
  • New link formats to create hyperlinks to specific topics, navigation or counters when importing external documents (e.g. HTML, Word...)
  • Splitting an imported Word document could miss some empty topics, or create a corrupted table of contents
  • HTML importer now correctly uses the project's default font and hyperlinks settings to import HTML content
  • Importing a document into the current topic now correctly handles anchor hyperlinks to itself
  • Importing a document which was locked by another application failed silently: an error message is now shown
  • Images placed in table cells could be incorrectly resized in Word and PDF documentation formats
  • All APIs calling MoveTopics (such as CreateMultipleTopics) could produce a table of contents with multiple project topics
  • Right clicking on some items in the project analyzer could result to an access violation error
  • Changing a table's background color using the "More Colors" dialog could set the color's opacity to 0%
  • Syntax editor's gutter font size option didn't use the proper editor
  • Better Windows 11 detection
  • Improved the MacOS version of the floating license server which could sometimes result in a false-positive transport security errors

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 19, 2021

  • Official Windows 11 support
  • The script editor now includes find/replace actions
  • New script editor customization options: change font, indentation, gutter visibility and content, spacing, special chars, word wrap...
  • Default HTML template's search engine can now be configured to specify the minimum number of letters of words to index: it makes it possible to index smaller one or two letter words
  • New command line options to open a project at a specific topic, using either its Help ID or its Help Context
  • Added scripting API methods to find a topic with a specific help context number, and set the currently shown topic via its Help ID or Help Context
  • The script editor now uses the Consolas font (when available) for more comfortably reading of extended text on screen
  • It is now possible to specify the inline table of contents' width in the default HTML template's settings
  • Script editor wasn't always able to build template scripts which contained a mix of code and HTML content
  • Pasting content into the topic editor could move the cursor at the top of the topic instead of after the pasted content
  • Tags with names longer than 32 characters were not correctly assigned to topics or builds
  • Built-in HTTP web server couldn't start anymore when the port was already in use by another local server, even if the port was changed
  • Word and PDF documents generated without a cover but with a table of contents didn't add a page break before the first topic's title
  • The Default CHM template produced broken links in breadcrumbs when a parent topic was marked as an empty topic
  • Generate documentation dialog incorrectly warned that output path didn't exist for relative paths
  • Script editor's word wrap icon could be drawn with a solid green background
  • The default HTML template didn't display any horizontal lines when printed
  • Start menu shortcut included a reference to HelpNDoc's uninstaller for the wrong version

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 9, 2021

  • New "Conditions" analyzer will now list all conditions used throughout the project with the ability to locate them and filter by operation
  • Completely redesigned the project analyzer window for easier and faster navigation and operations, clearer reports and enhanced accessibility
  • HelpNDoc now downloads and imports pictures from content pasted from a web-browser
  • Dropping a file within a folder of the library panel will automatically select that folder in the library item import dialog
  • Library item import dialog now remembers which folder was selected last time it imported a file
  • Project analyzer now reports the number of conditions used within the project's topics
  • Topic editor now keeps showing the selected content grayed out when a dialog is shown
  • The topic editor does not loose its focus after a dialog is closed anymore
  • Resized images could be displayed outside of the PDF document's bounds if screen scaling was set to 150% or more
  • Default HTML template now displays a sorted list of topics related to the select keyword
  • Fixed DocX import when multiple documents with numbering were placed on the same topic: numbering could start with an incorrect number
  • Choosing a custom color could result in a black or gray color when the color dialog was closed
  • Selecting a custom color for font, paragraph or picture could remove the focus from the topic editor
  • Wait status form used during lengthy operations is not displayed over other applications anymore
  • Completely rewritten form position saving/loading logic to make it more robust on multi-resolution screens and frequent screen configuration changes
  • Improved speed of the library item import dialog when multiple files where imported at the same time
  • Improved drawing of library items in topic editor: speed optimization and fixed textual content which could be incorrectly or partially drawn

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 27, 2021

  • HTML based templates can now implement hooks to generate custom Help Ids (and therefore file names) for better SEO
  • CHM importer can now import keywords and associate them with the correct topics
  • Keywords and topics association dialog can now be filtered to only show associated topics
  • New color picker dialog: ability to edit hexadecimal value, modern look and feed, better integration with HelpNDoc's user interface
  • New HndUtils.UrlEncode and HndUtils.UrlDecode API methods to (en)code URLs
  • New HndUtils.IdnEncode and HndUtils.IdnDecode API methods to (en)code international domain names using using punycode
  • It is now possible to add a misspelled word to the dictionary from the project analyzer's spelling tab
  • Script editor window now appears on the task bar and is not displayed over other programs anymore
  • Added option to define if syntax highlighter will automatically convert paragraph to line breaks
  • Under certain conditions, resized images could be distorted in Word and PDF documents
  • Floating images were not correctly resized in Word and PDF documentation formats
  • Moved various utility methods to the HndUtils API object and properly documented them in the API documentation
  • Improved built-in CHM decompiler: enhanced compatibility with more CHM files and removed memory leaks
  • Adding a topic and immediately add another topic before/after could raise an exception
  • Script API TStringList.SaveToFile could produce bogus characters: it now produces UTF-8 encoded files
  • Counters with caption with specific characters (e.g. some German letters or un-escaped XML characters) could produce corrupted Word documents
  • A corrupted registry settings could crash the application at startup
  • The syntax highlighter could change paragraph endings for the whole topic instead of the selection only
  • The project analyzer window is not displayed over other programs anymore
  • Optimized and strengthened HND project file loading/saving
  • Security and speed enhancement in licensing libraries

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 15, 2021

  • Optional "In this article" inline table of contents in the default HTML template
  • New kind of hyperlink "counters": it is now possible to create a link to a specific counter's instance using its ID
  • Ability to force image size generation for HTML based format to avoid content shifting and enhance Core Web Vitals
  • Added the ability to specify a default font name and size for the syntax highlighter
  • It is now also possible to define custom CSS style from HelpNDoc's user interface for the ePub, Kindle and Qt help file formats
  • The SHIFT+TAB keyboard shortcut can now be used to decrease bullets indentation level
  • Snippet editor and template cover editor windows can now be maximized to occupy the full screen
  • Clicking a link to another topic in the default HTML template will scroll to that topic in the table of contents of the default HTML template
  • Navigating through the web-browser's history will scroll to the proper topic in the table of contents of the default HTML template
  • Default HTML template will now correctly hide the left panel if all tabs are hidden
  • Default HTML template was shown when its width was set to 0 pixels
  • Some panels could be randomly very large at application start, hiding any content in the main window
  • Exception could be raised at startup if some settings were incorrect
  • Improved syntax highlighter: faster highlighting, ability to undo the conversion of paragraphs to line breaks, do not convert tab to spaces anymore
  • When "Show non printing characters" was enabled, some library items could display gibberish text in the topic editor
  • Warn users that the Microsoft Word DocX format doesn't support distinct first page headers/footers and distinct even pages headers/footers to avoid confusion

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 4, 2021

  • Markdown import support: HelpNDoc can import Markdown documents into a project, split them and import them at generation time using the "Document" library item
  • Builds can now be duplicated from the generate documentation dialog: every build settings, associated status and tags are copied to the new build
  • HTML based documentation formats and Markdown can now generate library items to a custom path
  • New numbered list types: lower Greek letters and decimal with leading zero
  • CTRL-Up/Down keyboard shortcuts now moves the cursor to the beginning of current, previous or next paragraph
  • Snippets contained in the library could become huge which produced very large projects, and memory problems
  • Snippets with broken images could produce a corrupted Word DocX document
  • When deleting a topic, its keywords associations were not correctly deleted from projects which could lead to broken generated documentation
  • Faster documentation generation for all formats for projects with a large number of snippets
  • "Syntax highlighter" and "Paragraph to line breaks" functions could incorrectly convert the line before the selected content to a line break when it was a paragraph break
  • When using "Syntax highlighter" and "Paragraph to line breaks" functions inside a table, paragraphs surrounding the table could be converted to line break
  • Keywords associated with excluded topics could produce link errors in HTML-based documentation formats
  • Project analyzer now correctly show keywords associated with deleted topics as "un-used"
  • Improved readability of breadcrumbs arrows for small screens in generated HTML documentation: better mobile usability reports in Google Search Console
  • Optimized generation of numbered lists in HTML based documentation formats
  • Smaller and cleaner HND project file format: unused associated topic content is now properly deleted when a topic is deleted
  • Performance and security enhancements in HND project file access

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 23, 2021

  • New Markdown support: HelpNDoc can now generate Markdown versions of project topics which can customized via custom templates
  • PDF topic titles will start on a new page when the next paragraph or image doesn't fit in the current page (aka. keep with next)
  • It is now possible to force a topic to start on a new Word or PDF page from its topic properties
  • Faster Word and PDF table of contents generation
  • Improved default CHM template: it is now possible to specify an HTML footer for each topics in the template's settings
  • Encrypted PDF document's description field (e.g. title, subject...) where broken and included random characters
  • Enhanced PDF generation: topic titles could have big margins when space before and/or space after values were defined for the normal style
  • Various fixes in the status editor: status movements could be buggy and status addition didn't always work as expected
  • Template editor couldn't add new assets to a new template which was a duplicate of a template without any assets
  • Slightly smaller generated Word documents
  • If the custom dictionary path wasn't created on disk, the content of the custom dictionary was lost when the application was closed
  • Keyboard's context menu shortcut didn't work in the topic editor and snippet editor
  • It was not possible to set a template variable's kind to "memo" in the template editor
  • It was not possible to restore the default icon anymore if the automated settings' default icon was changed
  • Script command line option produced errors when trying to access HelpNDoc's API methods
  • Double clicking on a table border could raise an exception
  • Some child windows could display a shadow over other windows even when they were not visible
  • Updated Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop link as it is not provided by Microsoft anymore
  • Licensing system could return a "CoInitializeEx failed" error for some mis-configured drivers / hard-drives

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 15, 2021

  • Brand new installation could crash without any errors when creating or opening a project

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 12, 2021

  • Table of contents and other tree editors were not always showing the typed content when edited

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 3, 2021

  • An EInvalidGraphic "Bitmap image is not valid" exception could be shown at program startup
  • Smaller icons were not always correctly scaled

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 2, 2021

  • It is now possible to define default image and image map settings from the library: they will be used when image is inserted into topics
  • Added support for additional bar codes symbologies. New bar code types include: Code 11, Code 39, Code 39 Extended, Code 93, Code 93 Extended, Code 128 and Interleaved 2 of 5
  • Project analyzer's spell checker now checks misspelled words in snippets
  • MacOS version of the Floating license server is now a universal binary which supports both the Intel x64 and Apple ARM64 processors
  • Default HTML template can now optionally add an Alt text for the logo
  • Generating a PDF with rotated cells containing text could produce an exception
  • Activating the "Force image sizes as Inches" CHM option could generate very small pictures
  • Strengthened script execution: functions returning null objects could return non-null objects and therefore failed the Assigned() check
  • HTML search engine could return invalid results for some words
  • More reliable handling of temporary folders: should be able to better clean after itself
  • Enhancements and fixes in DocX importer: compatible with more DocX documents, enhanced theme color and font names import...
  • Optimized project analyzer which is now faster in most cases
  • Trees and grids do not show alternate row colors anymore as they made it hard to see the selected item
  • Topic editor's header and popup menu could be displayed too small on high DPI screens
  • Improved image scaling for semi-transparent images in topic editor
  • Improved speed, security and reliability of licensing library
  • Under some rare conditions, exported Word or PDF documents could be empty or partially generated
  • Improved OpenOffice spell dictionaries compatibility
  • Default HTML template incorrectly opened a new tab when clicking a link to an e-mail address

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: dic. 8, 2020

  • Brand new script engine: easier and more readable syntax, faster compilation and execution, more reliable error messages, many bug fixes, future proof...
  • Completely new PDF generator which is faster, uses less memory, produces smaller files and generates better looking PDF documents
  • Brand new DocX importer which do not require the installation of Microsoft Office converters: up to 40x faster, uses less memory, more reliable and better import quality
  • New counters library items: use them to count items such as figures, tables, equations...
  • Creating a new project: it is now possible to import an existing project's table of contents in addition to a CHM table of contents
  • Added the ability to backup the currently opened project
  • Variables, system variables, image maps and bar codes can now be defined as hyperlinks
  • Default HTML template can now optionally generate a resize bar to be able to dynamically resize the left contents/index/search panels
  • Script build's warning and information messages are now shown even when build is successful
  • Clean output directory at generation time is now faster and sends the folder to the recycle bin instead of deleting permanently
  • Setup now has a new modern look and feel
  • It was possible to break some library items types when defining an hyperlink for them
  • When a picture was also a hyperlink, it was not possible to double-click on it to edit the associated library item
  • The PDF generator can now better handle some symbol characters such as numbers found in the Windings font
  • The project analyzer's general information dialog could report wrong counts of library items, usually inverted values between item types
  • The project analyzer dialog now stay on top of the main window to simplify interaction between analyzer and project
  • Hovering over the library panel or showing a popup or tool-tip could hide the project analyzer window
  • Both HndBuildsStatus and HndBuildsStatusEx objects were not accessible from scripts
  • Command line status override didn't work as expected
  • Resized image maps were not working as expected after navigating between topics in default HTML template
  • Updated jQuery with security fix in default HTML template
  • Optimized and improved header automatic hiding on small screens in default HTML template
  • Better accessibility in default HTML template's table of contents tree
  • Word and PDF generators now correctly export hyperlinks in cover page, headers and footers
  • It was not possible to define an empty value for a custom topic property as it displayed an error message
  • Licensing improvements: better handling of proxies, fewer deactivations, security fixes and improvements

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 5, 2020

  • New BarCode library item: create and customize EAN-8, EAN-13, MSI, QR Codes... and place them within your topics
  • Project analyzer now lists all anchors defined within the project and provides a way to rapidly locate them
  • Project analyzer reports the number of anchors and Barcodes used throughout the project
  • Inserting new library items using the "Insert" ribbon tab, placed them at the start of the topic instead of the cursor position
  • Picture properties (Alt text, size, position...) were not always updated when selecting pictures in the topic editor
  • Picture format and table layout ribbon tabs now keep focus when selecting images or tables in various parts of a topic (e.g. moving in, out and between table cells...)
  • Command line interface didn't always work when selecting builds by name as part of the following options: -except; -only; -output; -status; -tags; -template
  • Overriding output path from the command line could fail for some documentation formats when using relative paths
  • Focusing topics in the table of contents could be slow for large projects
  • Fixed incorrect column width saving for some projects for Word and PDF documentation format
  • Changing URL of "URL topics" or File path of "External file" topics could cause exceptions
  • Optimized and removed flicker of "Picture Tools" and "Table Tools" ribbon groups when moving the cursor in various parts of a topic
  • Fixed memory leaks when importing CHM help files which could produce "Out of Memory" errors when importing large files
  • Resized images could be distorted when exported to PDF
  • Faster import of large CHM help files
  • Improved HTML and RTF/Doc/DocX importers
  • Various user interface tweaks, fixes and enhancements, including for High DPI screens

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 10, 2020

  • It is now possible to directly import CHM help files' HHP source projects
  • Options dialog now includes a keyboard shortcut editor to simplify the definition of some commonly used keyboard shortcuts
  • The following styles keyboard shortcuts are now customizable: use normal style, promote or demote paragraph, apply heading 1 to 3
  • Ability to reset any part of the application settings from the "File" / "Options" dialog: General settings, compilers, UI, custom folders, keyboard shortcuts...
  • The floating license server is now available for x64 and ARM64 versions of Windows, in addition to the existing x86 version
  • Image width and height ribbon edit fields didn't always behave properly
  • When converting an image map to an image and vice-versa, the library item wasn't updated in all topics
  • Improved CHM help importer: handle additional edge cases to make sure that links between topics are correctly imported
  • Customized image alignment didn't always work using the default HTML template
  • Multiple enhancements to license management system: improved network card detection; better proxy support; optimizations and fixes
  • Enhanced speed of the CHM importer
  • Improved table saving in RTF documents
  • Topic properties panel's size, position and visibility didn't always behave correctly
  • Optimized find / replace action which is now faster when replacing multiple instances in the same topics
  • Enhanced HTML import: paragraphs with IDs will automatically create anchors

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 28, 2020

  • Automatic generation of customizable YouTube and Vimeo embed codes when entering a video URL of those services
  • Documentation generation dialog now warns before starting generation if the output directory doesn't exist or isn't writable
  • Report template editor's table of contents preview and editor could display page size in the next line instead of same line as title
  • Project analyzer always reported zero words count
  • Project analyzer print preview and PDF export was not fully translated to German / French / Spanish
  • Word document page size was not correct when exported on a high DPI screen
  • When pictures were too large to fit in the PDF document, they were not correctly resized on high DPI screens
  • PDF generation is more consistent when generated on different DPI screens
  • Table of contents pages could be displayed on the next line for PDF documents generated on high DPI screens
  • Enhanced Word document's table of contents page number estimation
  • Adding a right indent to table of contents entries displayed the page number on the next line in PDF documents
  • Right indent in table of contents entries was discarded in generated Word documentation
  • Improved CHM importer: links to HTML files placed in sub-folders were not correctly imported
  • Picture width and height ribbon fields were not always correctly updated when pictures were resized

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: dic. 13, 2019

  • Topic editor zoom control: Zoom the topic editor from 10% up to 500% using either the zoom slider or keyboard shortcuts
  • Project analyzer reports can now be printed, or exported to PDF or Excel files
  • Added the ability to quickly run a script from the main window: click the popup from the script editor button and choose the script to run
  • The snippet editor and templates' cover page editors can now optionally show hidden characters
  • Locating a library item from the project analyzer will now select it within the topic editor
  • Enhanced High DPI support for the topic editor: pictures were not always correctly displayed + various drawing enhancements in various DPI settings
  • Improved HTML and RTF importers
  • Improved robustness, speed and security of HND project files
  • Improved clarity of "General information" tab in the project analyzer
  • Anchors could produce extra spacing when exported to HTML documentation formats
  • The code generator incorrectly mentioned that it added banners to the generated output

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 29, 2019

  • Updated application look and feel with Microsoft Office 2019 inspired appearance
  • New ribbon search field: enter a command to find it and execute it
  • Template editor can now be used to create and edit HTML tags for HTML based templates
  • HelpNDoc will now warn in the build output if a documentation format is generated with banners
  • Project analyzer now reports the number of snippets and image maps used within the project's content
  • Project analyzer window now appears on the task bar and doesn't stay on top anymore
  • WinHelp importer now correctly imports WMF images too
  • It is now possible to select multiple hyperlinks in the project analyzer window for copy/paste purposes: use double-click to locate an hyperlink instead of single-click
  • When multiple document library items were placed on a topic, some of them could be replaced by the file name instead of the file content
  • Work-around to some Windows systems incorrectly reporting mime types for common file extensions, making the built-in web-server sometimes return incorrect mime types in response headers
  • Removing the styles gallery from the quick access toolbar could result in an exception
  • Caption and icons of the styles gallery were empty when added to the quick access toolbar
  • Updated some vendors libraries in default HTML template to fix security issues and web-browser bugs
  • Removed the FastClick mobile library from the default HTML template as it wasn't needed anymore on most mobile devices and could cause problems with some web-browsers
  • Improved WinHelp importer compatibility: some HLP files only imported pictures and not content
  • Better hyperlink import in WinHelp files: some hyperlinks were not imported as they were using specific unhandled formats
  • Using the Right-Alt + x keyboard shortcut on a Polish keyboard did replace the previous character with a numeric value
  • CTRL + Clicking on a link to an anchor in the topic editor didn't work when the anchor was placed in a table

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 25, 2019

  • An exception error message could be shown when adding a topic to the table of contents
  • Word and PDF generation could fail if templates included variables in cover pages, headers or footers

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 17, 2019

  • The "script" command line can be used to run a script using the HelpNDoc API to automate project creation or modification
  • The single page HTML template can now optionally generate a table of contents, making it more versatile as an off-line template
  • Project name is now displayed in the Windows task-bar to rapidly identify multiple running instances of HelpNDoc
  • HTML based templates can be customized to generate different HTML code (HTML Tags) based on the movie extension. See documentation to learn more
  • Snippets or documents library items placed within table could not always be replaced at generation time
  • Updated the generated movie tags to use the latest HTML 5 specification (except for CHM help files)
  • Producing much smaller CHM files when using movies: movies are not included anymore as they can't be played from within CHM files
  • Qt Help generation could fail when the project title contained the "&" character and no custom namespaces were provided
  • Qt Help generation could fail when about or application icons were not used in any topics
  • Better WinHelp HLP file import: file with file names longer than 8.3 couldn't be imported
  • Enhanced WinHelp Index/Keywords importer: keywords hierarchy wasn't always correctly imported when a custom index separator was used
  • A "List Index Out Of Bounds" exception could be raised when replacing library items under rare circumstances
  • Faster generation for all documentation formats when using snippets or documents library items
  • Various enhancements in the named and floating licensing systems

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 24, 2019

  • External file pictures are now drawn in the topic editor
  • For HTML based documentation formats, it is now possible to optionally clean the output directory before generating documentation: select build settings to never clean, always clean, or ask before cleaning
  • Library items now display an icon overlay when they are imported from a file at generation time, or an URL at viewing time
  • The hyperlink analyzer now selects the full hyperlink in the topic editor when an item is selected, making it easier to spot problematic hyperlinks
  • Imported documents now correctly import anchors to that document
  • Imported split documents now correctly re-create hyperlinks to other topics from anchors in that document
  • Copying topic content between two instances of HelpNDoc didn't correctly copy images
  • Unicode characters having codes greater than $FFFF (E.g. symbols, emoticons...) were not correctly exported to HTML based documentation formats
  • After importing a CHM help files, anchors could be broken when exported to another documentation format
  • An error message is now displayed when trying to install a dictionary in a location which cannot be written to
  • Editing a script in the template editor didn't warn when closed without saving
  • Improved speed and memory usage when generating all HTML based documentation formats (CHM, HTML, ePub, Kindle and Qt Help) for projects using at least one picture library item
  • Optimized topic loading speed when they contain tables

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 11, 2019

  • Topics can now have aliases: the HTML documentation will automatically generate URLs for those aliases
  • Using the default HTML template, it is now possible to link to a specific context number: the URL format is /context/HELP_CONTEXT.html
  • The logo of the default HTML template can now optionally be defined as a URL instead of a library item
  • Security feature: template scripts cannot write anywhere on disk anymore
  • Fixed input fields behavior in image map editor: updating title before link cleared the title and better size and position editing
  • The list of image map shapes was corrupted when one or more of them were deleted
  • Color icons (font and paragraph background) were not correctly drawn on High DPI screens
  • The HndTopicsMeta API object wasn't available to scripts and templates
  • The CTRL-SPACE keyboard shortcut didn't work within tables in the topic editor
  • The script custom path defined in options wasn't correctly saved / retrieved when the application was closed
  • In some cases, variable substitution could mess up the text layout in the generated documentation

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 23, 2019

  • Define default topic properties in the project options, and new topics are automatically created using those properties
  • HTML code library items can now be external and therefore loaded from disk at generation time
  • It is now possible to export all the items contained in a library item folder to disk
  • Added script to bulk edit the status of all topics in the currently opened documentation project
  • Qt's assistant.exe program is now run to show the generated Qt Help file when clicking "Open file" after generation is complete
  • Updated all spelling dictionaries to their latest versions
  • It wasn't possible to edit the Spanish name and description of variables in the template editor
  • For English spell checkers, the live spell checker will now treat straight and curly apostrophes similarly: both "don't" and "don’t" will be treated as correct
  • Topics without content were showing "not found" errors for Qt Help files
  • Optimized HTML generation which should generally result in fastest build times
  • Word / RTF documents import or paste could produce an exception
  • In rare conditions, generated Word DocX files could be corrupted
  • In CHM help files, links to files didn't show the "hand" cursor
  • HelpNDoc is not tested on Windows Vista anymore: Microsoft dropped support for Windows Vista on April, 2017

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 20, 2019

  • Changing some topic properties such as topic kind, header or footer didn't update the user interface
  • When more than 64 tags were defined for a project, showing the "Insert / Edit condition" dialog did show an error message
  • When a new version is available, the RSS feed now links to the "check update" URL instead of download URL for better information about what's new
  • The HndStatus object was not accessible from scripts
  • HndStatus.GetStatusByCaption wasn't documented in the scripting API help page

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 7, 2019

  • HelpNDoc and its web-site have been translated to Spanish. It now supports: English, French, German and Spanish
  • Each topic can now have an optional description which is exported to HTML's description meta tag for better Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Topics can now have status and it is possible to perform conditional generation based on topic status
  • Topics can now have custom properties which can be useful for advanced scripts and templates purposes
  • The "Find and replace" dialog can now search using regular expressions or library items
  • Lengthy search operations (searching the whole project) can now be aborted in the "Find and replace" dialog
  • Most lists and grids now include a find panel to rapidly search for items. It can be opened by hitting the CTRL+F keyboard shortcut for supported lists (e.g. toc, library, keywords...)
  • Enhanced support for screen readers in the topic editor
  • Better Per Monitor DPI awareness in various dialogs
  • Redesigned insert symbol dialog: supports for all Unicode characters, character groups and categories, hexadecimal character support, select font with same character...
  • Faster and more secure data access to HND project file
  • Project analyzer now contains actions to rapidly delete all selected keywords
  • Image maps are now responsive in the default HTML template: whenever the image size is updated, the interactive areas will be updated too
  • An "Invalid caret position" exception could occur when importing Word, text or HTML files
  • Better import of RTF tables
  • Enhanced HTML importer
  • Find and replace can now find content in text with multiple styles
  • Reworked the scrollbars as it wasn't always easy to select the last item when using the "Automatically hide scroll bars" option
  • Deleting library items will now delete all selected items
  • Topics and builds using custom tags larger than 32 characters were not correctly saved to the project file
  • Overall speed improvements in the topic editor regarding to Unicode processing
  • Icons where not always visible in Ribbon groups when the main window's size was small
  • Default output file name now removes invalid character in project title to avoid generation failure
  • Updated vendor libraries used in default HTML template to remove any known vulnerabilities
  • Enhanced internal / external URL parsing in default HTML template
  • Updated default HTML template to avoid deprecated method calls which will be removed in future versions of Google Chrome
  • Resized pictures in HelpNDoc's topic editor could appear distorted using the default HTML template
  • Updating the page numbers in a generated Word document's table of contents produced "Error!! Bookmark not defined." for topics with dashes in their Help Id
  • Enhanced WinHelp HLP importer: some pictures were not correctly imported
  • Read-only HND project files could be opened but never saved: HelpNDoc won't open read-only project files anymore
  • Default topic override list in generation dialog could have an invalid topic selected
  • Updated and vastly improved documentation for API methods available to templates and scripts

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: nov. 19, 2018

  • Included HTTP Server could fail to work properly under certain conditions
  • Smaller setup EXE file: removed unneeded files

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 6, 2018

  • New WinHelp (*.hlp) file importer (Beta) which can import topics, contents, pictures, hyperlinks and keywords from older WinHelp files
  • Google Analytics support in the default HTML template: add a valid Google Analytics ID in the template settings and it will be included in the generated pages
  • Library items analyzer can now detect and report items used in builds settings: they are not marked as unused anymore
  • New script to merge children topics' contents in the currently selected topic: MergeChildrenTopics.hnd.pas
  • Some common error messages now include help topics for easier troubleshooting
  • In the default HTML template, it wasn't possible to translate the "search..." placeholder
  • Styles gallery now only displays styles with a checked "Quick Access" property
  • HelpNDoc defaults to baseline vertical-align for images while the default HTML template used middle
  • Changes to project author, comment, description, copyright, summary or version wasn't immediately visible in library items' popup preview
  • Mass import library items window wasn't translated to French / German
  • Build log images weren't correctly scaled on high DPI screens
  • Conditional tags were not correctly drawn in the topic editor for High DPI screens
  • When placed right after a bullet item in the topic editor, conditional tags used an incorrect font making them unreadable
  • Text files are now imported as UTF-8 files
  • Importing a document using the library import dialog did import it with an unknown extension resulting in warning at generation time
  • Previous and Next buttons didn't work anymore in the topic editor
  • Faster application loading time by deferring API initialization
  • Fixed memory leaks including an obscure memory leak on shutdown

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 5, 2018

  • Rapidly import multiple media elements in the library using the new "Import files" dialog
  • Drag multiple files from the Windows Explorer and drop them on the library panel to import them
  • Dropping files to the topic editor will show the new import files dialog: single document dropping will insert it in place
  • Template assets (CSS, JavaScript, Images...) can be edited directly from the template editor using any third party application
  • Create new blank template asset from the template editor without the need to import an existing file
  • Ability to quickly rename a script in the template editor
  • Access the template location on the computer from the template editor using the new "Open location" button
  • Optionally force image size generation as Inches for CHM help files: could produce better results for High DPI screens
  • Template editor can be launched even when project is closed
  • HTML based documentation formats will now warn if the default topic is not a "normal" topic to avoid problems with the generated documentation
  • Default CHM template now supports custom CSS and JavaScript code from template settings
  • Fixed default CHM template rendering for High DPI screens
  • Error message could be shown when saving a project after library item manipulation
  • Renaming a library item didn't always update the topic editor (E.g. variables were never renamed)
  • Library item's editor tool-bars were customizable when they shouldn't be
  • Localized spelling options dialog (German, French) didn't show the whole content correctly
  • Topic titles variables were not always working as expected
  • Deleting a library item's caption in the library panel and using the ESC key froze the application
  • Keywords without associated topics could create a corrupted "Index" for the CHM documentation format
  • Automatically setting up a default topic when not defined didn't work as expected

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 17, 2018

  • Completely redesigned the library item creation / modification dialog for simpler and faster library item management
  • Library items included within the project can now be individually exported
  • Library item editor now displays a preview of image maps and snippets
  • Library item editor now accepts files dropped from a third-party application such as the Windows Explorer
  • Library item editor window is now resizable
  • Picture library items can now be converted to image maps and vice versa
  • Completely rewritten library items hint preview: larger and more robust preview image, faster loading, less resource consumption
  • Library item hint will now display a preview of external picture items (dynamically loaded from disk)
  • Dropping an HND project file on the welcome page from Windows Explorer will open it
  • Editing the caption of a library item in the hierarchy didn't validate it anymore thus allowing library items with duplicate captions
  • Hovering over library items while one item was being renamed could cause editor to be closed
  • Library items and keywords title change could require a focus change to be stored
  • Ribbon tabs and groups were not always translated
  • Images and Tables contextual ribbon tabs were always visible
  • Popup menus in the ribbon bar could hide (collapse) some infrequently used items
  • Included CHM decompiler has been improved and is now a signed trusted executable
  • Decreased generation time for HTML based documentation formats with large number of files to process
  • Optimized speed and resource consumption when hovering over library items
  • More robust main window positioning when a monitor has been unplugged
  • Overall speed and resource enhancements regarding to included library items content

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 2, 2018

  • New customizable syntax highlighter with multiple built-in programming languages
  • Help IDs now allow the dash "-" character making it easier to create SEO hyperlinks
  • The quick access toolbar customization is now saved and restored when the application is launched
  • HTML generation now warns if the generated file name is the same as one of the topic's help id as it could cause problems
  • CTRL + Click on a topic link to an anchor in the topic editor will show the topic at the correct anchor's position
  • Project analyzer incorrectly checked spelling in hyperlinks
  • Fixes and performance enhancements in the HND project file format handling
  • Further enhancements to SVG icons rendering and High DPI monitor support
  • For HTML based documentation format, choosing a file name similar but with different case as one of the help ids could cause a file creation error
  • Using the default HTML template, CTRL + Clicking on hyperlinks didn't open in a new window / tab
  • Greatly reduced memory usage for Word and PDF generation of malformed projects with lots of different styles due to copy / paste from third party software
  • Some Wingdings characters were incorrectly exported to HTML based documentation formats only
  • The "ß" character is now replaced by "ss" when filtering topics' Help Ids
  • Moving library items or keywords just after changing their caption could cause an error
  • Optimized and improved debug code and reported debug information for the debug edition
  • Fixed obscure memory leaks

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 16, 2018

  • New project analyzer section: spell checker which will find misspelled words in the whole project
  • Topic titles will stick to the same page as the topic content in Word documents
  • Ability to add tab character in Word / PDF topic titles using the \t placeholder
  • Beta version of the floating license server for Linux and Mac OS X
  • New script to automate topic caption numbering based on its hierarchy level in the table of contents
  • Speed and memory improvements when generating search data for all HTML templates
  • Project analyzer now reports the number of words in the project
  • HTML templates' JavaScript search data could include content which wasn't included due to unmet conditions
  • CHM and HTML navigation arrows could include links to blank topics thus creating 404 not found errors
  • Default topic's content was added twice to JavaScript search engine database
  • Better high DPI screen support in various parts of HelpNDoc such as the topic editor...
  • Enhancements in HelpNDoc's user interface with better skin painting, less intrusive scrollbars, better scalable icons rendering...

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 19, 2017

  • Completely rewritten command line options: it is more reliable, with additional features, it has a cleaner syntax and an enhanced console output
  • Command line build action can now override the project builds' output path, tags, template and variables
  • Command line can now include the "verysilent" option (ss) which won't even show a console window
  • New anchor editor to easily and rapidly create, delete and locate anchors in the current topic
  • Font dialog now displays a preview of the fonts
  • Adding an item to the library will automatically insert it in the currently selected folder or in the currently selected item's parent folder
  • It is now possible to specify the HTML rendering engine used by the CHM help viewer, including Microsoft Edge and older versions of Internet Explorer
  • Ability to add a link to the default HTML template's custom logo
  • Re-engineered application's internals for more reliable startup and shutdown and greater future scalability
  • Document generation dialog's build list could be hidden under certain conditions
  • Some color picker popups could be incorrectly displayed on some screens
  • HTML documentation's search engine result list could include corrupted topic titles
  • HTML documentation's index could malfunction when topic titles contained specific characters
  • HndTopicsTags was not accessible from scripting API
  • Enhanced High DPI support in the topic editor
  • A topic with an help ID of "main" could break the HTML table of contents
  • Fixed bugs in HTML based list style exporting
  • Better saving of tables to Word DocX
  • Better RTF Import / Export

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 7, 2017

  • HelpNDoc is now High DPI aware: UI and icons have been updated to scale according to Windows display settings
  • HTML documentation can now be launched to a specific tab (e.g. ?tab=index) and with a specific search (e.g. ?search=help)
  • Unknown document library item extensions will be imported as text instead of displaying an error
  • Ability to rapidly load system and user scripts: click the arrow next to "Load Script" to quickly load it
  • New script to sort all topics in currently opened project alphabetically by topic caption
  • New script to sort all children topics of the currently selected topics alphabetically by topic caption
  • New script to reset all topics' context numbers incrementally
  • Default HTML template will now display an error message in case the web server is misconfigured to serve JSON files
  • Deleting keywords or library items could result in an error message when they were being renamed
  • Keywords were incorrectly written to HTML topics in the HTML documentation format
  • Script editor will correctly open / save to "Script" personal folder by default and filter by script extension
  • Some JavaScript features of the HTML documentation format could not work when topic titles included non-breaking spaces
  • Main form's height was not always correctly restored
  • CTRL+K keyboard shortcut didn't work when trying to add currently selected word to keyword list
  • Better CHM topic title importing
  • Default HTML template did not use the correct icon (question mark) for topics without children
  • Default HTML template did make an unwanted GET request to a debug file
  • Build names were always in English (not localized) when a new project was created
  • It wasn't possible to create a new Qt Help template from the template editor

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 6, 2017

  • Default HTML template can now generate a valid sitemap.xml file if specified in build settings
  • Build summary now display the number of warning and errors for each build to rapidly spot a potential problem
  • JavaScript search engine will now find partial words by default instead of only full words
  • New text transformation: change character case of the selected text, which loops between uppercase, lowercase, capitalize words
  • New text transformation: convert paragraph breaks to soft line breaks
  • HTML based builds now warn when the output directory is not empty to avoid possible compilation problems
  • Ability to insert non-breaking spaces using the CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE keyboard shortcut
  • Default HTML template has a new onTopicChanged event which is called each time the topic changes
  • Custom JavaScript code is now run before the app in the default HTML template giving it a chance to customize the app
  • Default HTML template will now correctly load the JSON table of contents even if the web server is misconfigured
  • Selecting similar project items in the project analyzer could cause an exception
  • Replaced default HTML template keywords popup by modal dialog as it was not working for long lists and on small devices
  • Keywords attached to topics whose caption contains single quotes didn't always correctly show the topic list in default HTML template
  • When topics were scrolled down on the default HTML template, linking to another topic didn't move the scroll bar up
  • HTML code library items didn't correctly export line breaks
  • HTML language code was always "en" instead of the correct project's language code
  • Smarter automatic generation of Qt Help project namespace which could previously produce invalid ones
  • Qt help documentation generation could fail when retrieving compiler output
  • Find all in entire project with "Search forward" option unchecked didn't always work as expected
  • Internal web server's 404 error links used hard-coded localhost URL which could cause problem when browsed from an outside device
  • Some e-mail subjects were not correctly encoded in HTML based documentation formats

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 18, 2017

  • Project settings (title, default topic, author, date/time format...) can now be overridden for each build
  • HTTP Web Server can now be launched at any location from the Tools ribbon tab
  • It is now possible to specify the default listening port of the HTTP Web Server instead of the default 8080
  • Pasting topics with hyperlinks to children topics now correctly restore those hyperlinks
  • Hyperlinks to files were not always working properly using the default HTML template
  • Hyperlinks to _blank URLs didn't always work property in the default HTML template
  • Custom and hidden headers / footers were not correctly exported in default HTML template
  • Hiding the navigation arrows in the default HTML template could produce incorrect HTML code
  • Default HTML template will not try to request debug map files anymore
  • Anchors with space didn't work correctly in responsive HTML template
  • Numbering as text didn't work in CHM / HTML templates anymore
  • HTTP Web Server's error pages are more useful: 404 error pages will list available HTML files
  • HTML library items with Unicode content could be corrupted when exported to HTML based documentation formats
  • Empty topics were not listed in Word / PDF table of contents anymore
  • Topic visibility wasn't updated in table of contents' popup
  • RSS feed display didn't include new version notification anymore
  • Project settings better scales for smaller window sizes
  • Script editor now always stays on top of HelpNDoc's main window
  • Using the "Vacuum project" command will prompt before starting and confirm after successful completion
  • Resetting the project's date/time format will ask confirmation first
  • Fixed some memory leaks

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 7, 2017

  • Updated user interface: introduced Microsoft Office 2016 inspired look and feel
  • Completely rewritten HTML template: HTML5, compatible with all device sizes (responsive), easily customizable...
  • It is now possible to split imported files (Word documents, HTML files...) by font size or outline level
  • Topics can now be removed from the table of contents only by setting their visibility to "Hidden in table of contents"
  • Updated jQuery mobile HTML template to the latest version: performance improvements and better mobile compatibility
  • Added jQuery mobile themes to customize the look and feel of mobile HTML web-sites
  • Added the ability to alter the text flow around floating items by clearing text left, right or both
  • A local HTTP server is available to show the HTML documentation as if uploaded to a web-server
  • License check system: named license are activated via a license key while floating licenses are manager by a floating license server
  • PDF generator can now generate projects of any size without memory limitations
  • Enhanced RSS feed display in the welcome page: faster application loading time and less random errors
  • Optimized loading of library items content
  • Word and PDF generators will now correctly number table of content and topic titles when hidden topics are used
  • It wasn't possible to generate Qt Help files from the command line
  • HelpNDoc could produce an exception at closing time
  • Better handling of project locking: when a project is opened by an instance of HelpNDoc, it can't be opened by another instance
  • Invalid characters could be added to captions: they are now automatically removed
  • PDF generator didn't always respect the list of excluded PDF fonts thus sometimes creating larger PDF files
  • Clarified PDF settings dialog regarding user permission
  • Enhanced generation log summary to provide additional options: copy path, open location, open file, serve file
  • Reworked the project analyzer's user interface to simplify access to filters and actions
  • Keywords analyzer is now more useful as it displays a list of attached topics
  • Deleting multiple library items in the analyzer could take a long time
  • Legacy frame HTML template could show a JavaScript error if a topic wasn't in the table of contents
  • Page number approximation in generated Word documents is much more accurate. F9 field refresh is still needed to force field updates
  • The table of contents' page numbers in the generated Word documents were missing if the cover page was hidden
  • Quick generation output path will now use the output path setup in the options
  • Made sure a default topic is always selected at generation time to avoid generation problems
  • Topic titles could be incorrectly positioned after floating pictures in all documentation formats
  • Easier image resizing for high DPI screens
  • Better picture saving to RTF
  • Some links in custom HTML code could break HTML-based documentation generation
  • Won't show an exception anymore and lock the generation dialog when generating to an unwritable folder
  • Multiple speed enhancements and bug fixes
  • HelpNDoc is not tested on Windows XP anymore: Microsoft doesn't support Windows XP anymore

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 12, 2016

  • New generated documentation format: Qt Help
  • New auto-completion for hyperlinks: start with http:// or other protocols and hit CTRL-SPACE to rapidly create an hyperlink
  • Distributed paragraph alignment. Only recommended for East Asian languages
  • Opacity support for paragraph background color
  • New scripts for mass header/footer updating
  • Faster project creation and opening
  • Better table sizing in topic editor
  • Setting table cells preferred width to percent didn't work as expected
  • An access violation errors could occurs under certain rare conditions when generating documentation
  • Inserting a page break within a table cell generated produced an "Item index is out of bounds" error
  • Word table of contents page fields lost their style when updated
  • PDF documents automatically switched pages every few seconds when viewed in full screen mode in some viewers
  • Kindle eBooks didn't always correctly display the cover picture
  • Kindle generation log could report an error even though generation succeeded
  • Style names were not translated in the "Styles" group of the "Write" ribbon tab
  • Live spell checker won't report errors with curved apostrophes in French language

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ago. 4, 2015

  • Auto-completion: use the CTRL+Space keyboard shortcut to quickly create links or insert library items
  • It is now possible to override user-defined variables for each build in the build settings
  • New methods available to scripts and templates: HndBuild.GetBuildFirst and HndBuild.GetBuildWithName
  • Introduce the /l argument to log to a text file when using console line generation
  • Included sample scripts in HelpNDoc's installation directory
  • The THndBuildInfo, THndBuildInfoArray, THndTopicsAttachMode types are now accessible in scripts and templates
  • Switching builds in the generate documentation window will keep the currently visible customization tab
  • Under certain conditions an HTML-based template could produce inactive hyperlinks
  • The default HTML template will now be more reliable when selecting the currently viewed topic in the table of contents
  • The generated HTML could be corrupted when the current user didn't have the proper rights to access external library items
  • The table of contents hierarchy could be wrong under certain conditions when using conditional topic generation
  • Some parts of the user interface were not translated to French and German
  • Only one instance of the installer can be launched at the same time

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 17, 2015

  • The template editor can now be used to quickly and easily create and alter all possible kinds of templates
  • Completely rewritten the hyperlink generation process to be able to correctly handle both encoded and non-encoded URLs
  • The CTRL-SUPPR keyboard shortcut can be used to delete the word right of the caret
  • Greatly improved selection speed in topic editor, particularly in tables
  • URLs could be double encoded in some conditions
  • Inserting or editing an hyperlink did show an incorrect simplified dialog box under some conditions
  • The table of contents in Word and PDF documents didn't respect all template settings
  • Table of contents' page numbers could be moved to the next line for some Word and PDF documents
  • HndBuildTags and HndBuildTagsEx were not accessible from the scripting API
  • Image maps will now correctly display the title hint on all web browsers
  • Sample HND projects will not contain any default output paths anymore
  • Using the CTRL-A keyboard shortcut in a table of the content editor threw an exception
  • The Default HTML template did create a broken link to empty topics in breadcrumbs
  • The "Operation" section of the conditional insert/edit window didn't update correctly
  • The table cells properties window didn't correctly update the width and height when numeric values were entered via keyboard
  • Better import of Doc, DocX and RTF documents
  • It wasn't possible to drop image maps in tables when coming from the library

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 23, 2014

  • Added editable breadcrumb above the topic editor for faster moving within the table of contents' hierarchy
  • New optional CHM decompiler is included which can handle Help Context number import
  • Quick generation process will now indicate which build it is using if it finds a suitable build in the build list
  • Generation process will issue a warning when a template is used by a build but not available on the system
  • Template editor's window has been redesigned and can be resized
  • Numbered lists will be correctly generated to HTML even when items are split by paragraphs
  • On Windows XP, topics with a lot of broken pictures didn't load completely
  • Display of thumbnail for library items is now a lot faster for large libraries
  • The Insert items popup menus are now faster to display for large libraries and faster to include pictures
  • Pasting and dropping pictures is now a lot faster for large projects
  • Popup menus from the "Insert" ribbon tab were sometimes displaying incorrect information
  • The "Insert Image Map" button was missing from the "Insert" ribbon toolbar
  • Renaming a report template removed any spaces in the new name and didn't select the renamed template
  • Links to anchors with a space characters didn't work correctly for CHM, DocX and RTF output formats
  • Opening the style inspector could generate an exception
  • Section indicator was stuck on "Page settings" in the report template editor
  • The new project table of contents importer could generate an exception
  • Better CHM import: some specific files didn't include any content
  • Better HTML import and code generation

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ago. 20, 2014

  • New EPub importer: decompile and import ePub eBooks into new or existing HelpNDoc projects
  • Added option to disable bookmarks generation in PDF documentation output
  • Default HTML template will now add each topic's keywords in the head meta keywords meta for better SEO
  • Topic content couldn't be saved and loaded for some systems with Asian or East-European languages locales
  • Reduced memory consumption when projects are open
  • Setting some specific topic properties such as "Include in builds" could incorrectly update multiple topics
  • PDF generator could crash with projects containing the "Myriad Pro" font
  • Help file was not showing when HelpNDoc was opened by double clicking and HND project file
  • Files with and .xhtml extension where not imported
  • Better German and French translations

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 3, 2014

  • Manage keywords and topics association window: quickly associated with multiple topics
  • Many default paths are now configurable: default output, dictionaries, project, styles and templates
  • Added keywords to the analyzer: get stats, a list of keywords, unused keywords, and manage associated topics
  • The Generate documentation window will now correctly show the most recently created templates when opened
  • HelpNDoc will use the project path when opening or saving the first project
  • Folders were incorrectly listed in the project analyzer
  • Snippets and image maps didn't have any kind setup in the project analyzer
  • Under certain rare conditions DocX generator could crash with an index out of bounds
  • Page numbers was always displayed in the table of contents for DocX and PDF even if templates hide it
  • Image maps didn't correctly encode characters for the Title text
  • An error message could be shown when previewing a corrupted library image
  • An error will now be displayed when an image cannot be written to disk due to incorrect characters in name

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 10, 2014

  • New image map library item: create reusable image maps for your HTML-based documentations
  • ePub and Kindle eBooks can now optionally include an inline cover page and table of contents page
  • Picture size edit will now optionally resize pictures while constraining proportions
  • Pictures can now have an optional padding, margin and background color
  • Better generation of the ePub cover page for better compatibility with Adobe Digital Edition and some e-Readers
  • The project analyzer didn't always report broken hyperlinks
  • Picture size edits weren't always correctly updated when a picture was resized
  • Resetting picture properties didn't update those properties in the ribbon
  • Some pictures were not correctly exported to DocX thus generating corrupted files
  • Hyperlinks were not always correctly escaped when generating DocX documents thus generating corrupted files
  • The JavaScript search engine of the HTML documentation format automatically highlighted the "undefined" word
  • There was still problems when saving the changed output file path in the generator window

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 6, 2014

  • Library items can now be grouped in folders for easier navigation and management
  • Multi-selection has been enabled for library items and keywords for multiple deletion/moving
  • Table of contents, keywords and library items tree nodes expansion status is now saved to and restored from project
  • Template variables names and descriptions can be translated. Existing variables have been translated to French and German
  • It is now possible to remove the cover picture for ePub and Kindle documentation formats
  • Generators log will now provide additional details in case an exception occurs
  • The OK and Cancel buttons were not visible in the import style dialog for French and German translations
  • It wasn't possible to change picture width, height, spacing or alt text from the ribbon tab anymore
  • Better importing of tables in RTF files
  • Drag and drop in the topic editor could insert content in the wrong position
  • It is now easier to move keywords in the hierarchy when drag and dropping them
  • Changing the output file path in the generator window was not always saved correctly
  • Scripts: THndIntegerArray was not declared therefore HndTopics.GetTopicIndexHierarchy was not working correctly
  • Some style properties could be incorrectly loaded after importing the default.hnd style sheet
  • JavaScript search engine didn't correctly escape URLs for external topics which could break the search feature
  • The DocX and RTF generation could fail unexpectedly for some projects
  • Inserting or importing multiple HTML files in a project could result in very slow and resource hungry generation
  • Topic icon wasn't always correctly updated when changing topic

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: nov. 19, 2013

  • Conditional generation of topics based on build kind and tags
  • Double click on a library item in the topic editor to modify it
  • Live spell checker is now available in the snippet editor and template editor
  • Better support for touch screen in the topic editor
  • Importing CHM and HTML files with encoded image file names didn't correctly import those images
  • Importing CHM and HTML files with images with large file names could crash HelpNDoc
  • Better Czech dictionary which can handle accented characters
  • Better compatibility with Word 2003 and Word 2007 for generated DocX documents
  • Better saving of tables in DocX documents
  • Possible exceptions when editing the bottom part of a topic and with the find feature
  • An exception could be shown when double clicking on an item in the find result panel
  • An exception could be shown when searching in some projects
  • Some German text labels were too small to display the whole text
  • Better looking lists in welcome screen, recent projects and help pages with scroll bars when needed
  • Editing a library item didn't correctly update the topic editor
  • Easier assignment of custom topic headers/footers: when choosing custom, the popup menu will not automatically hide
  • Topic kind popup will now check the current topic kind
  • Code templates didn't respect topic visibility settings

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 9, 2013

  • Redesigned style system: styles can inherit from parents, can be saved, and custom styles can be used for new projects
  • The Word generator will now generate standard DOCX documents by default. RTF option is still available in build settings
  • New Word and PDF template editor: customize page layout, cover page, headers, footers, titles, table of contents...
  • New Snippet library item: Add formatted content to the library and re-use it throughout the project
  • Style inspector popup window to get information about the current text and paragraph styles
  • Script editor to edit and run scripts and automate tasks within HelpNDoc
  • Hyperlinks will now use styles for easier project-wide modification
  • Items with anchors will now display a hint with the anchor name when the mouse is over
  • HTML search engine is smarter: it can search parts of words, results are ranked and words can be excluded by prefixing them with a "-" character
  • New system variables for Word and PDF documentations: display the current page number and the total number of pages
  • External topics can now use relative paths for external files
  • Importing a file or a folder won't automatically create a new project anymore: they will be imported in the current project if already open
  • Merging library items will now display a waiting dialog
  • HelpNDoc's user interface is now translated in German
  • System variables with date and time are now customizable in project options and will be localized according to project language settings
  • Copy/Paste of topics between instances of HelpNDoc now correctly include pictures
  • PDF documents could contain un-readable characters in the table of contents when encrypted
  • CTRL+F1 keyboard shortcut was showing the help file instead of just collapsing the ribbon bar
  • Word generator now uses less memory to generate big documentation files
  • iPhone template didn't include custom styles for topic content
  • Google Chrome users can now use the HTML search engine locally
  • Library items shown in popups were not always sorted
  • Word and PDF templates can hide page numbers in the table of contents
  • HTML search engine didn't clear its data between two generation which could lead to outdated search data
  • HTML search engine will now correctly display link topic kinds
  • Help ID generation is smarter: accented characters are replaced by ASCII equivalent for better SEO
  • Cursor position in topic editor was not always reset when moving from one topic to another
  • Initial Help ID for new topics was incorrectly generated using another topic's caption
  • The table of contents title for Word and PDF documentation formats wasn't correctly generated when it contained Chinese characters
  • CHM importer can now correctly handle links with anchors
  • External topics were not exported to Word and PDF documentation formats
  • XSS safety algorithm in the HTML template could break links to topics with caption containing "script" or "javascript"
  • Word and PDF documentation formats didn't correctly generate relative hyperlinks
  • Save a project as the same opened file shows an odd error message
  • Images were not scaled correctly anymore when too big for Word and PDF documentation formats
  • Hyperlink action provided a different window when used from the popup menu
  • Updated dictionary download URL
  • The font sizes combo box were not reliable anymore for the topic editor, snippet editor, and some template editor properties
  • Some characters in hyperlinks could create corrupted DOCX files
  • Tables could not be seen in editor anymore when borders were hidden
  • Added an error message when trying to add a condition within a table
  • Some formatting could produce invalid DOCX documents
  • Import folder dialog will now automatically refresh the "files to import" list when browse button is used
  • Dragging and dropping a picture when in a table would make it disappear
  • Faster project opening: initial topic was loaded twice
  • Last topic edited was loaded empty if the project is immediately re-opened
  • Link to URL or file topic will now correctly show the URL or file
  • ePub and Kindle documentation were adding and extra colon character instead of spaces
  • New project dialog uses the dictionary defined by the language property for live spell
  • Generating a project from command line with included external HTML documents was not always including them
  • Hyperlinks are now trimmed from the Insert/Edit hyperlink window
  • JQuery HTML template had encoding and tag problems
  • The help window was shown behind the script editor window
  • Can't import HelpNDoc v2.x projects anymore: use version 3.9 to convert older projects first

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 21, 2013

  • CHM generator's base color can be customized in the template properties
  • An exception could be displayed when the application is launched indicating that a control had no parent window
  • ePub generator didn't always correctly generate the cover picture
  • HTML search engine did infinite loops after clicking on the result when it ended with a space character

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 26, 2013

  • Enhanced importer: import multiple files at once into a new project and import various file types
  • Incremental search in various places: start typing a node caption to search for it and focus it
  • New keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the user interface: CTRL + F1 through F6
  • Use the SPACE keyboard shortcut to associate a keyword with the current topic
  • Panels positions and sizes are now persistent and will be restored when HelpNDoc is restarted
  • Use the /reset command line option to reset forms size and position as well as panels layout
  • Installer and uninstalled now warns if HelpNDoc is already running
  • Greatly reduced memory usage when generating documents with large number of pictures except for Word generator
  • The styles gallery now resizes itself to fit the whole available space
  • Command line silent mode wasn't working correctly anymore
  • Better error message when the project file is locked by another application or instance of HelpNDoc
  • Reduced flicker in the ribbon bar when resizing the main window
  • Removed XSS vulnerability in HTML generated documentation
  • Fixed possible error of the Javascript search engine in the default HTML template

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 29, 2013

  • Project analyzer will report various useful information about the current project: broken links, merge library items...
  • History of viewed topics with previous/next buttons
  • New project dialog is now resizable and will store its size
  • The "Show Special Characters" feature is now persistent and will be restored each time HelpNDoc is opened
  • An exception could occur at application start time
  • Importing some CHM files could result in empty imported topics: anchors in the table of contents were not correctly handled
  • When deleting a selected topic, the newly selected topic seemed randomly chosen. It is now either the next or previous one

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: nov. 19, 2012

  • HTML documentation could not always select the first displayed table of contents item when viewed from a remote server
  • A frame was displayed around the content when printing a CHM topic
  • Word generator always compressed bitmap pictures even if the option for automatic compression was not checked
  • The Word documentation wasn't generated if the used template didn't show the table of contents
  • Word documentations could add extra empty lines before topic titles
  • French translation errors in the documentation generation log
  • The recent projects and places lists weren't correctly saved to the registry which could lead to incorrect entries

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 25, 2012

  • Conditional build system: control which part of the documentation is present in each build through conditional tags
  • Added keyboard shortcuts to insert/move/delete/edit properties of keywords and library items (CTRL+INSERT, CTRL+ARROW, CTRL+DELETE, CTRL+ENTER)
  • Some Central/Eastern European characters may appear broken in the CHM search result list: fixed with the CHM template option "Use project charset for topics"
  • Option to enable only the selected build and rename a build in the build generation list
  • Popup menu for easier and faster build management in the build generation list
  • It is now possible to clear recent projects and places from the option dialog
  • Some fonts with custom spacing could produce overlapping characters in PDF documents
  • Better support for bookmarks in PDF documents
  • Some Central European characters were not correctly generated in the CHM table of contents
  • Better support for some dictionaries
  • Creating a new blank project didn't set up default project language which could lead to empty title for CHM documentation
  • Google Chrome now correctly displays the table of contents for HTML documentations when viewed locally
  • Topics with large caption could have duplicate auto-generated help IDs
  • Word and PDF documentation didn't add requested page breaks when topic titles were hidden
  • Parts of the table of contents of some rare CHM help files could not be imported
  • CHM documentation didn't correctly display table background images and bullet lists images
  • Recent projects and places could contain invalid paths

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 11, 2012

  • New build system: create as many customized build of any documentation format as needed. Warning: command line changes
  • Added support for invisible topics: invisible topics and their children won't be generated in any documentation format
  • Relative external library items are now imported at generation time
  • It is now possible to indent bullets and numbering with the TAB key
  • EPub and Mobi generators didn't correctly generate link topic kinds
  • EPub generator didn't correctly escape Some characters which could lead to errors on the iPad
  • Norwegian dictionary from didn't install correctly
  • The default HTML template generated un-balanced HTML comments
  • RTF importer didn't correctly import relative hyperlinks
  • Empty topics could produce corrupted PDF table of contents
  • HTML documentation could cause errors when tabs where hidden
  • HTML search engine didn't find words containing the "T" character
  • Color dialog now saves custom colors
  • HTML based generators will correctly update topic files when the character case has changed

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 17, 2012

  • HTML documentation produced errors in web-browsers when topic captions contained quotes or double quotes
  • PDF documentation could display weird page numbering text on the first page
  • Generate Mobipocket/Kindle checkbox was always checked in generation dialog

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 14, 2012

  • HelpNDoc software and help file has been translated to French
  • HelpNDoc can now generate standard EPub EBooks
  • HelpNDoc can now generate Mobipocket/Kindle EBooks
  • HTML based documentation can now optionally skip exporting the default font style to rely on the web-browser's settings
  • HTML based documentation can now optionally use percentage for the font size instead of points
  • Insert hyperlink dialog window is now resizable and size is saved for next time it is used
  • Re-introduced shortcuts to move, add or delete topics (CTRL+Arrows, CTRL+[SHIFT+]INSERT, CTRL+DELETE)
  • It is now possible to generate Word and PDF documentation in landscape mode
  • Completed percentage in the generation log window for long actions
  • Internet Explorer could display an error about invalid characters in the table of contents for HTML documentation
  • HTML based generators won't alter PHP or ASP code at generation time
  • Relative topic links were not working for CHM documentations anymore
  • Bullets and numberings are not generated as texts by default for HTML based documentation anymore as it didn't always produce good results
  • "Enum" template settings could be rendered incorrectly in the generation settings dialog's list
  • HelpNDoc could take a long time to launch if a recent networked location was not available
  • An error occurred when clearing a text template variable in the customize dialog
  • Checkbox controls were not displayed in the keywords panel when Windows themes were not enabled
  • Keyword popup in HTML documentation now displays a close button

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 30, 2012

  • When optimizing pictures, some of them could become empty or black PNG files for HTML and CHM documentation

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 26, 2012

  • All generators are now using less memory and GDI resources
  • Better PNG transparency in Word generated documentation
  • Cursor was moved to the beginning of the topic text after pasting
  • Library items were not always correctly replaced at generation time
  • Customize template links were missing from the project options

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 6, 2012

  • CHM and HTML Templates can now support customization from within HelpNDoc
  • Various HTML template customization settings added: base color, visible tabs, expansion status, texts, icon sets...
  • CHM and HTML Templates: Export numbered lists as text by default which usually looks closer to original. Customizable in template settings
  • HTML Template: The table of contents tree is now synchronized with the displayed topic
  • HTML Template: Icons set in HelpNDoc are now used in the table of contents
  • CHM Template: Set the table of contents font from HelpNDoc
  • PDF and Word Templates: It is now possible to use numbering for topic headings
  • Copying and pasting multiple topics did not correctly paste their content
  • CHM Template: CHM file couldn't be open using the help ID
  • iPhone template enhancement: the footer DIV wasn't closed properly
  • Style were not always correctly applied to selected text
  • Word and PDF generators sometimes didn't take the updated style properties into account
  • Fixed a rare exception which could occur when the live spell check was enabled and a table cell was edited
  • Custom dictionary file was always overwritten when HelpNDoc was updated
  • Terms were not always correctly encoded in the HTML search engine
  • Word and PDF generators did focus the first topic after generation
  • Word generator didn't display errors when launched from the quick generate popup
  • Word and PDF generators could produce memory leaks after generation
  • Pasted pictures could become broken if dragged before the topic had been saved
  • Code template for "C/C++ Defines" didn't generate correct code
  • Table columns and rows are now easier to select with the mouse

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 12, 2012

  • New "Paste as text" and "Paste special" commands for finer paste control
  • New template to export HTML documentation based on JQuery mobile
  • Pictures pasted or imported as part of a document are now automatically compressed before being saved to the HND project file
  • Reintroduced the extended table of contents feature
  • New visual identification about panel docking similar to Visual Studio
  • Opening project files containing a single quote displayed a SafeCall error
  • F1 shortcut didn't display the help file
  • Expand and compact shortcut keys only worked from the numerical keyboard
  • An error could sometimes happen when CTRL+Clicking on hyperlinks
  • Restored windows' height on launch was always smaller than when closed
  • Text contained in tables couldn't be added as keywords
  • Regression as the Brazilian dictionary couldn't be installed anymore
  • Cleaned-up keyboard shortcuts for Ribbon items in accordance to MS Word
  • Default HTML template did show an error with keywords containing quotes
  • Using the insert table popup from the quick access toolbar displayed an error message

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: nov. 8, 2011

  • Reintroduced the CHM purge option: uncheck the "Keep temporary files" to remove any temporary file or directory generated by the CHM template
  • Template inheritance support: specify the parent template and only override the specified files
  • A table of contents with page numbers can be generated at the top of Word and PDF documentation formats
  • Reintroduced the "Add as keyword" context menu item in the topic editor
  • Currently selected text is used as default caption when adding a keyword
  • Use CTRL+Click in the topic editor to follow an hyperlink
  • HTML documentation can now display the index or search tabs by default by adding the #_index or #_search tag at the end of the documentation URL
  • HTML template was not correctly mentioning the UTF-8 charset in the head section
  • iPhone template had some issues with topic titles
  • Selecting an output path for the generated documentation didn't default to the currently specified one
  • An error happened when activating the Turkish dictionary
  • The progress bar didn't show on lengthy project find/replace operations
  • The horizontal scrollbar was shown in the topic editor for no reason on small screens
  • Topic editor's popup menu now correctly displays spelling errors first using a bold font and cut/copy/paste last to mimic Word's behavior
  • Provide a link to Microsoft HTML Help Workshop when not installed
  • Find/Replace within the project is more reliable
  • Some pictures could fail optimization when generating CHM and HTML and block subsequent content from begin generated
  • Better handling of project related errors while opening/closing/saving

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 26, 2011

  • Added the vacuum command in project options to clean the project and gain some file weight from deleted items
  • New table functionalities: split table, sort table rows and convert table to text
  • Option to automatically compress uncompressed pictures included in the library to generate smaller documentation files
  • Links to e-mail address containing a dot were considered as links to Internet addresses when edited
  • Paragraph border action wasn't available anymore
  • In some rare cases due to Windows user name, HelpNDoc could show an error when launched and stop after that
  • Hungarian letters with double acute were not generated correctly in CHM
  • Underline font style property was not correctly saved
  • V2 projects with big context numbers could not be imported
  • Slash shortcut "/" is reintroduced to recursively collapse all children
  • Performance improvements when getting the list of anchors in the topic link dialog
  • Listed anchors in the topic link dialog didn't include anchors in table cells
  • Changing the background color of the paragraph did reset some other attributes such as alignment
  • Locating a search result didn't select it in the topic editor if it was not in the currently edited topic
  • Pasting or dropping an image into the topic editor could generate file names without a valid extension
  • Table background pictures were not displayed in HTML based documentation
  • Under some conditions the styles applied in topic editor was not correctly saved and restored
  • Renaming a topic with non ASCII characters could generate an empty Help ID
  •'s Brazilian Portuguese dictionaries couldn't be installed

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 6, 2011

  • Command line option is back with the possibility to specify template names
  • Topic editor ruler has been restored. Visibility is controlled in options and is hidden by default
  • Performance improvement when using and scrolling through the table of contents hierarchy
  • Configuration options were saved even when the cancel button was clicked
  • CHM and HTML documentation could show an horizontal scroll bar with 100% tables
  • Padding wasn't always respected in table cells
  • Topic title variables were not correctly substituted
  • Documentation now contains the list and description of available methods from within templates

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ago. 30, 2011

  • CHM importer can now correctly import and interpret links to topics
  • Rewritten project file creating/opening mechanisms to avoid errors
  • HTML template had a few graphical glitches in Internet Explorer 7 and 8
  • Importing files could produce projects files larger than necessary
  • Opening the link dialog for large projects could cause heavy memory usage
  • External library items file are now relative to the project's location if a relative path is specified
  • Directly calling an HTML page with an anchor didn't work
  • Topic with content from an external file had no content in HTML and CHM
  • After opening an existing project, the topic footer was not generated anymore

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ago. 23, 2011

  • Initial release of HelpNDoc 3.0

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: nov. 2, 2010

  • Better unicode support for the PDF generator
  • Speed and file size optimizations in the PDF generator
  • Better PDF subset font embedding
  • Reported file name in main form's caption was wrong after using "Save as"
  • The RSS feed reader sometimes reported an error
  • The PDF exporter now correctly generates internal relative links
  • The CHM importer now correctly imports link topics
  • The CHM importer can now correctly recognize links to internal topics
  • The CHM importer sometimes incorrectly imported the table of content in the new project wizard in Windows Vista and 7: only the first item was imported
  • The CHM importer sometimes incorrectly imported topic contents in Windows Vista and 7
  • HelpNDoc now correctly warns when the opened HND file is not recognized
  • Improved the "New project" wizard to handle the TAB and SHIFT + TAB shortcuts for faster indentation / de-indentation
  • Inserting a link will now default to the topic caption if the text has not been modified
  • Uninstaller is now a signed executable

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 7, 2010

  • Initial addition of the library container to manage Flash files
  • Local and distant flash files export to HTML and CHM documentation
  • Saving to read-only files didn't work and didn't warn about it
  • Better table merging algorithm with wide items in the topic editor
  • Speed increase in the topic editor
  • Enhanced RTF table import

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ago. 6, 2010

  • Import of existing compiled CHM Help files
  • Word and HTML generators now defines the titles' outline level
  • Added Enum and Define C/C++ code generator
  • Enhanced the C/C++ const generator
  • The table of content is fully expanded when a new project is created
  • Better RTF importing
  • Improved table resizing using the mouse
  • Different resolution JPEG Image size is better exported by the Word generator
  • List handling has been enhanced to continue numbering of a previous list if needed
  • Enhanced HTML Importer: cell border colors, images and table alignments

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 2, 2010

  • The Word documentation generator could create corrupted files in some cases

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 13, 2010

  • New project wizard provides a faster way to get started on a new project
  • Import existing compiled CHM help file table of content in the new project wizard
  • Optionally do not purge the generated HHP project files
  • Anchors get passed when a topic page is redirected to show the table of content
  • Project properties now display scroll bars when the window is too small to display everything
  • HTML import could create incorrect picture size
  • Various topic editor small enhancements: triple click selects paragraph...

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 30, 2010

  • WARNING: Relative links are now consistent in all generated documentation. They are not relative to the "files" sub-directory anymore for CHM and HTML documentations
  • Greatly reduced HTML compilation time for big projects
  • PDF generator did draw anchors as empty space
  • Better HTML anchor import
  • Fixed HTML documentation JavaScript error in some conditions
  • Fixed Internet Explorer JavaScript error in multiple word HTML search
  • Fixed Word generator which didn't correctly export some characters

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 31, 2010

  • Improved JavaScript search engine which can now search multiple words
  • JavaScript search engine words are now highlighted
  • Added missing edit popup menus throughout the application
  • HTML and Word importers now correctly set up links to external URLs and anchors
  • PDF generator did draw curly underlines under substituted variables
  • PDF generator did not correctly export anchors in some cases
  • Report generator did not always resize images to fit in page's width
  • HTML generator now correctly sets up the default topic even if the directory is not purged

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: dic. 9, 2009

  • Added PDF font embedding configuration to control how the fonts are embedded in the PDF documentation
  • Left and Right floating images support (only in CHM, HTML and PDF documentation)
  • Text appeared with black background in the PDF option panel
  • Variables were not always correctly substituted in PDF and Word documentation
  • First implementation: PDF export now resizes images to fit in the content page
  • Improved spell checker
  • HelpNDoc program file and setup are now signed EXE files
  • Improved memory usage
  • Maximum picture size in dialog was too small
  • Fixed 32-bit PNG image handling

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 5, 2009

  • Extended Table of content: Easily and rapidly edit topic ID and Context number
  • HTML Table of content can now optionaly be collapsed when generated
  • Advanced PDF output options: document encryption, compression and fine layout tuning
  • Possibility to insert / remove extra page breaks within the documentation
  • HTML search engine did not provide search results for numeric characters
  • HTML keywords would not always correctly show up with quoted topic titles
  • Incorrect character escaping in HTML table of content
  • Topic ID field didn't allow the underscore character

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: ago. 2, 2009

  • Search functionality in HTML documentation
  • PDF Encoding bug
  • PDF Generation exception when bookmarks were not correctly set
  • Word generator produces smaller file sizes
  • External file's DOC import is more robust
  • External file's HTML import wasn't working properly
  • Fixed relative links in CHM generation so it behaves the same way as HTML documentation

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 7, 2009

  • PDF generator creates the documentation's table of content
  • HTML documentation generator outputs the project Keywords
  • Spell checker button wasn't always enabled
  • Fixed the check for updates link
  • Access violation in some rare conditions when exporting Word and PDF documents
  • Exported PDF documentation wasn't always generated in the specified path

Versión – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 16, 2009

  • Microsoft Word DOC and RTF export formats
  • Adobe Acrobat PDF export format
  • Find and replace now allows the replacement of text by a variable
  • New variable kind: Topic title
  • Main form's caption now include the currently opened file's name
  • Added Variable panel in the topic editor: manage variables and quickly add them
  • Added enum output to the Visual Basic code generation
  • Better spell checking option dialog and various spell checking enhancements: New and improved UI for spelling and configuration dialogs; Greatly improved phonetic suggestions; Unicode dictionary support
  • Enhanced HTML Export with a better table of content, Search engine optimization (SEO), old browser fallback...
  • Better CHM unicode support
  • RSS Feed reader in the welcome page to keep informed of HelpNDoc news
  • "Purge HTML Files" is now saved with the project
  • Download dictionary link was incorrect
  • Anchors were badly displayed in the topic editor

Versión 1.16 – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 4, 2008

  • New options for CHM export: window size, position, visible buttons and navigation options are now customizable
  • CHM Topic HTML file wasn't standard compliant
  • Added the /silent command line switch to avoid user inputs during batch compilation
  • Fixed the spell checker to be more Windows Vista compliant
  • Default font and default table of content font were not correctly saved with the project

Versión 1.15 – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 22, 2008

  • Keyword index was not working with new file names
  • Specific links to relative topics were not working with new file names
  • Command line was not working anymore
  • Various fixes and enhancements in the Topic Editor

Versión 1.14 – Fecha de lanzamiento: jun. 1, 2008

  • Exported HTML files can now optionally have its topic ID as a name
  • Smart popup in the topic editor to easily change a variable
  • Fixed a bug when assigning an image to a topic and moving with the arrow keys
  • Better handling of PNG images: some transparent PNG were not resizable

Versión 1.13 – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 6, 2008

  • Completely redesigned spell checker with enhanced options and better integration. The English dictionary is now bundled by default
  • Middle mouse scroll (middle click) in various parts of the application
  • Fixed application crashing when topics were deleted
  • Better HTML export
  • Various optimisations and bug fixes

Versión 1.12 – Fecha de lanzamiento: ene. 13, 2008

  • HTML Help topics will now always launch with the table of content opened
  • Fortran 90/95 code generator
  • Code generation export dialog enhancement: file name is not save anymore between export
  • General speed and reliability enhancements

Versión 1.11 – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 22, 2007

  • Fixed the export of background images in the topics
  • Possibility to use subscript and superscript formatting options
  • Various bug fixes

Versión 1.10 – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 28, 2007

  • Better Windows Vista compatibility
  • Fixed HelpNDoc's help file display exception under Windows Vista
  • Fix for the & character in project title when exporting to CHM
  • Right Alt + A was selecting all the topic's text and caused problems with certain keyboard layouts
  • Lower memory usage for GIF images
  • Better table support
  • Better HTML Import / Export
  • Topic Editor enhancements and bug fixes

Versión 1.9 – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 30, 2006

  • Double click to modify image property in the topic editor
  • Live spell checker could take 100% CPU time on certain condition
  • Support of relative URLs when exporting
  • Hyperlink images do not show borders anymore
  • Topic margins and page size could be incorrectly set from the ruler resulting in inconsistent layouts
  • Interface layout is now saved between sessions
  • Fixed a bug with relative hyperlinks in HTML export

Versión 1.8 – Fecha de lanzamiento: mar. 14, 2006

  • The live spell checker can now be disabled
  • Possibility to automatically generate the context number for new topics
  • Added cut/copy/paste of nodes within the same project
  • Fixed accentuated characters export for Western code pages
  • Right click to add the selection as a keyword in the topic editor
  • Multi selection for drag and drop and node copying
  • Removed the popup window when using HelpNDoc from command line
  • Fixed incorrect menu animation
  • Fixed Access Violation when CTRL + Drag a node
  • Now generates a valid Delphi unit with proper interface and implementation sections
  • File overwrite confirmation when generating code

Versión 1.7 – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 1, 2006

  • Better Unicode compliance
  • Vastly improved command line interface. See help file for details
  • Updated project pane layout
  • Possible TOC corruption: project title wasn't correctly escaped in HTML output
  • Optionally clean the "Files" sub-directory in HTML export
  • Link to easily download HTML Help Workshop in the compiler output if it's not installed on the computer
  • Various enhancements in the topic editor

Versión 1.6.1 – Fecha de lanzamiento: nov. 7, 2005

  • Icons were not exported in CHM help file anymore
  • CTRL-A shortcut didn't work anymore
  • Fixed some memory leaks

Versión 1.6 – Fecha de lanzamiento: oct. 17, 2005

  • Internet Explorer complained about an invalid character when viewing an Help Web Site
  • Improved hyperlink window’s appearance for better consistency throughout the application and added shortcuts
  • Improved the speed of creation of spell checking suggestions
  • Keyword’s root could be deleted which could cause unexpected behavior
  • Possibility to add a subject to e-mail hyperlinks
  • New kind of hyperlinks: navigation, to go to next, previous, parent...
  • Insert hyperlink field was truncated to 30 characters
  • Keywords associated with multiple topics showed "untitled" topics in popup window
  • Added shortcuts CTRL + ARROW to move items in the TOC
  • Help file has been updated

Versión 1.5 – Fecha de lanzamiento: sept. 5, 2005

  • Introducing a basic HTML Export functionality
  • Generate Visual Basic, C++ and Delphi constants for easier integration of the help file with programming languages
  • Fixed a MS HTML Viewer bug which could display an error message when opening a CHM file
  • Fixed a bug with topic ID modification in the topic editor

Versión 1.4 – Fecha de lanzamiento: jul. 27, 2005

  • Typing in the topic editor could become extremely slow and HND file could grow exponentially. The fix will be applied topic by topic once edited and saved
  • Added anchors and possibility to link to them
  • Enhanced link window with new links to anchors, file with or without relative paths, topics, Internet or e-mail
  • Variables now display hints with current value
  • Shortcut to add an hyperlink: CTRL+L
  • Default topic font can now be defined in the project properties
  • General application speed boost

Versión 1.3 – Fecha de lanzamiento: may. 23, 2005

  • Internal HND format has been fine-tuned to provide better speed and size. Gain is proportional to project complexity but for reference: For a simple help file such as the one from HelpNDoc, the loading time is divided by 2 and the file size is only 70% of the original; For a bigger file, the loading is 30 times faster for a size of 64% of the original.
  • Search and replace algorithm have been optimized. Speed is 6 times faster for a small size project and increases with project size.
  • Possibility to change font and character set of the table of content in CHM files
  • Detailed hint for each node: indicates the URL of the node in the CHM file, context number and the topic ID if required
  • When a HND file was opened via the explorer, its name was converted to upper case

Versión 1.2 – Fecha de lanzamiento: abr. 4, 2005

  • New file format – HND files are now compressed. Conversion is made behind the scenes. Still compatible with old format in read mode
  • Import of HTML, RTF, WRI, and TXT files. DOC files can be imported if Microsoft Office is installed on the system
  • Implementation of a better find and replace function: ability to find and replace throughout the project
  • Implementation of rudimentary Command line compilation feature: "HelpNDoc –c file.hnd"
  • Better CHM generation: Added next and home buttons, advanced search tab, addition of the favorite tab
  • Main window's position is now restored when HelpNDoc is launched
  • Better handling of bullets and numbering in the ruler
  • Fixed a bug where characters in the topic title could cause compilation error
  • Shortcut to create a new topic, use CTRL+T
  • Confirm save dialog could be displayed many times on application exit

Versión 1.1.1 – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 24, 2005

  • Topic name containing quotes prohibited project from being loaded

Versión 1.1 – Fecha de lanzamiento: feb. 15, 2005

  • Variables support (known limitation: variables can't be set as hyperlinks)
  • Popup menu in the table of content
  • Help file now contains information on how to integrate CHM files with Delphi and Visual Basic
  • Configuration information are now saved in the registry
  • Page background images weren't exported in CHM
  • Better HTML Help Workshop location handling: ask location when it can't be found in the registry
  • Faster CHM export
  • Balloon Hints weren't working in HND 1.0
  • The default icon wasn't always selected when required in the icons popup menu
  • The background color and image were not reset when a new topic was created

Versión 1.0 – Fecha de lanzamiento: dic. 9, 2004

  • Initial Release