We are glad to announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 1.16. Including a much requested enhancement in the CHM export with the possibility to define the windows size, position, visible buttons and navigation options. An annoying bug with the default font saving as also been fixed and the Windows Vista compatibility has been enhanced. Last but not least, a “silent” option has been added to the command line to avoid user inputs during batch compilation.

Change log

Version 1.16 – Release date: Oct 4, 2008

  • New options for CHM export: window size, position, visible buttons and navigation options are now customizable
  • CHM Topic HTML file wasn't standard compliant
  • Added the /silent command line switch to avoid user inputs during batch compilation
  • Fixed the spell checker to be more Windows Vista compliant
  • Default font and default table of content font were not correctly saved with the project

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