Step-by-step guide: How to create a new documentation output to be published

Your HelpNDoc documentation can be published in multiple formats. It can also be published multiple times with different content and settings in each of those formats. Let’s see how easily this can be done.

There are two simple steps for creating a new publishing output.

Step 1

Access the generate documentation dialog
Click the top half of Generate help in the Home ribbon tab.
Generate documentation window
This displays the Generate Documentation window.
Each output and its format is listed along the left-hand side in your build list.
The outputs with check marks will be published the next time you generate the documentation from your build list.

Step 2

In this next step you’ll select the format for your new output. There are two ways to do this:

Add a new build using the toolbar

Option 1

Click Add to display the formats that HelpNDoc offers.
Click the format that you’d like to use.
This closes the menu and displays the new output in your build list.

Add a new build using the right click popup menu

Option 2

Right-click your build list.
This displays the formats that HelpNDoc offers.
Select the format that you’d like to add.
This closes the menu and displays the new output in your build list.

New build is enabled

By default your new output is listed at the bottom of your outputs and has a check mark next to it, indicating it’s been enable. As a result of being enabled, this output would be published next time you generate documentation using your build list.

To disable an output, click the check mark to remove it. This maintains the output in your build list but does not publish that output.

You can assign an output a new name, update the settings that are used when generating documentation, and change the order of your outputs. These steps are covered in other step-by-step guides:

See also